
What plants, insects, and animals can be eaten in ontario's northern forests ? (pls no rude answers)?

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so yeah me and a few friends were wondering what plants and animals and insects can be eaten in ontarios northern forests, cuz were planning a "live off the land" camping trip up there so we need to know so we will be more prepared than we already are




  1. Take beef Jerky with you.  Unless you do a lot of research and take pictures and a knowledgeable  guide with you,  you are looking to starve.  People who live off the land have been taught by their elders how to survive and they know when to gather enough to get them through the barren times.  You might go up there when there is literally nothing eat except pine cones.  (Who's nuts are edible, but not very filling.)  Be a Boy Scout - BE PREPARED.

  2. well, it would help to know what you have up where you are going.  Whatever, stay away from Mushrooms(because most are poisonous) and berries unless you see animals eating them.  because they too can be harmful.   Yeah, so like unless you plan to eat pinecones and grass, you will starve because you will not digest either one.

      As for animals, you got to catch them first.   They are not just gonna wait for you.  Most bugs you can eat.  And worms.    Am thinking, you are not prepared unless you know how to fish and you need a worm for that...and luck.

      Best you stay home.

  3. This is really not the place to get answers to those questions.

    If you don't know any local resident to ask, then go to the library and find a book on it.

    any librarian would be happy to show you where to find the books you need.

    but when living in the wood, and I have done plenty, the rule is, if you don't know what it is then don't tough it and especially don't eat it.

    I once picked a mushroom that I thought was OK and ended up sick for days.

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