
What plants are good to plant in Aug. in NYC?

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I am moving into an entire home Aug. 1st which will have a backyard with plenty of light.

What types of plants are good to plant in Aug. (late I know) that will survive?

Also, just to make it look nice for my housewarming party I wanted to actually plant already blooming flowers. What kind would work best seeing that summer is past the half way point?

By the way I live in Queens, NY (NYC)




  1. Well i know some plants you plant in winter...jalapeno,cayenn pepper,bell pepper and halavero pepper...i could go on lol. i like spicy foods

  2. how about a needle palm tree. this is a bush palm tree. will survive your winters and can survive to -5 and your record low for the winter is only -3. has needles on the trunk so it will be great by a fench. also doesnt grow over 5 feet tall. this palm tree is the most cold tollerant palm tree. they can be bought off the internet ebay does have some nice ones

    plant as soon as possible so it can get used to the ground. it may be too late and you may have to wait till spring.

    also you can plant some bulbs like tulips and daffodils in the fall  so in the spring they come up and bloom.

    alot of your planting will have to be planted next year things like cannas and maddona liliesbecuase they need to get used to the ground and grow. even the needle palm may have to wait becuase they take a season to get their roots growing.

    plant as soom as possible and you may want to give some camellias a try too. subtropical plants, but the common camellia as well as some sansquas cammelias will surive and some bloom in spring and fall. evergreen too. day liles can be planted now and they bloom every summer.

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