
What plants are good to use for a low hedge?

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I need to plant a hedge to seperate my garden to a neighbouring field. I don't want anything too high (nothing above knee height) as i'd still like to see the view when sitting down! But it does need to be low maintenance and easy to care for - any suggestions appreciated.





  1. Try sedums.  They're a very versatile perennial plant.  They grow 2 to 3 feet high and spread about a foot when mature.  The flowers start out as a pale green in the spring and turn a deep red in the fall.  I have them as part of my garden but I've seen some lovely hedges in my area.  They prefer sun but grow quite well in my partially shaded garden.  They don't need much fertilizer, just a dose of all purpose plant food or bonemeal in the spring.  If you forget to feed them, they're quite forgiving as they don't  require very rich soil.  Average garden soil is fine. They also are drought tolerant but can withstand a prolonged period of rain, which we're having right now.  Just trim the woody parts of in the spring and enjoy them.  They also attract butterflies.

  2. The classic is box, but I have seen beautiful small hedges of yellow privet.

  3. box woods or pyracantha( firethorn)

  4. there are low growing azaleas,dwarf gardenias, dwarf youpon holly, soft touch holly and snow indian hawthorne.

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