
What plants grow best from tip cuttings?

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I have had great success with geraniums and limited success with penstamens. I would like to grow fuscha's from cutting but have no success at all with this.

Can anyone give me some tips for growing fuschias or reccommend other easy to grow plants from cuttings?

I have a greenhouse for propogation.




  1. I have heard that fuchsias are temperamental plants!  You might try a rooting powder to help you with a cutting, I have not grown them.

    I do grow a great deal of succulents though and they do root very well from cuttings!  I have had great success and they are easy to care for.  I always have extras for friends and family.

  2. I have never tried growing fuschas from cuttings but i have had great success in growing mums and Hydrangeas from cuttings but i use a rooting hormone and it really does help a lot. Wal-Mart has the rooting hormone and it is only $4-$5 and it last a long time because all you have to do is dip the stem of the plant in water them dip it in the rooting hormone and tap off any extra then put it in potting soil and keep it watered (I watered the mums everyday till rooted)

  3. You can cut a  3-4 inch piece and cut off all the leaves but the 2 top and place them in sterile soil and water. Put a milk jug or plastic bag where it doesn't touch the plant and put it away from the sun. If you don't want to put anything over it, just be sure to spray with water a couple of times a day to keep the leaves from drying out. Several weeks should be long enough to get the roots to grow. A rooting hormone helps too.

  4. Lucky you for having a green house.

    I found a site that says you take tip cuttings spring and autumn.

    Fuchsia may be propagated by seed or stem tip cuttings. The seed germinates in 21 to 28 days at temperatures between 70 and 75 °F. Firm down the growing media, then sow the seed on top. Cover the seed with a thin layer of media and firm it down again.

    Take softwood cuttings about 6 inches long with two or three pairs of leaves from young, green shoots in the spring. Remove the bottom pair of leaves and insert the cutting into a moist rooting medium as far as the base of the lowest pair of leaves. A well-drained rooting medium comprised of equal parts of peat and perlite is fine. Enclose each potted cutting in a plastic bag and keep it in a warm place that receives bright, indirect sunlight. Rooting occurs in about three or four weeks. Move the rooted cuttings into pots of ordinary potting mix and pinch the tips to begin forming well-balanced plants.

    Fall-rooted cuttings should be uncovered and overwintered in a cool room (45 to 50 °F) in bright light without direct sunlight. They should be watered just enough to keep the leaves from drooping. The following spring, such cuttings can be treated as mature plants and will normally flower earlier than spring-rooted plants. When either spring- or fall-rooted cuttings have made 2 or 3 inches of new growth, nip out the growing point. Four to six side branches will develop to form the flowering branches of the new plant.

  5. Have you tried planting yourself? You may grow up a little more .

  6. try putting a cutting of fuchia in a glass of water as soon as it gets a root on it put it in potting compost and put it on a windowsill until it is about 4ins high then into the garden. i have had great succes this way

  7. ive always grown plants from cuttings and had 100% success, what i do is cut the stem at a 90% angle and place them in the window in a jar of water. when some roots start to show ive then planted them in some compost .

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