
What plants help stop global warming?

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I posted a question before but i don't think a lot of people understood my question. Do plants help or contribute to global warming? & if there are plants that help stop global warming, what are they?




  1. Funny that you ask because if we get rid of the CO2 that plants feed off of....  There will be no plants.

    We know that when CO2 rises, plant life also rises because that is Mother Nature's way of balancing things out.

    Global warming alarmists should be thankful and welcome global warming because the Earth can take it.  The very worst thing that can happen is that it wipes us out, which they seem to wish.  Not sure how we can survive with no production here in the US and having to import everything from China.  I think the global warming cycles back when the Earth was formed went from minus 200 degrees Fahrenheit to 5000 degrees.  

    If anything, we have attenuated global warming somewhat.

  2. plants don't contribute to global warming, they are excellent for the environment.  All plants help the environment, and none of them hurt the environment, except fake ones.  Get real plants, they look better and they are good for the environment.  Just get whichever plant you think is the nicest.

    plants do not add carbondioxide!!!! they take in carbon dioxide and let out clean oxygen!!!!

  3. your question has to be re-worded because plants release oxygen only and will not stop the earth from warming.

  4. all plants work well for stopping global warming but the one that works the best is bamboo because it grows faster and will then asorb more carbon dioxide

  5. Trees, trees, trees,trees, trees,trees, trees and more trees.

  6. Basically all plants helps stop greenhouse effect , banana trees are good contributor of oxygen, big green leaves makes alot of oxygen and suck up loads of greenhouse gases. Think all urban buildings should have their roof top planted with banana trees they're not too heavy with relatively shallow roots but do need some regular maintainence. But.. what better ways to go green and yet been rewarded with a banana or two.

  7. I think iceberg lettuce helps a lot.

    Everything that grows uses energy.

  8. All plants help global warming through absorbing carbon dioxide. It really doesn't matter on the kind of plant. This is one of the many reasons that deforestation is a problem, along with the threat to clean water, stable ground, and biodiversity.

  9. nothing can save the world even if we start now to much damage has been done

  10. most of plants will do the job. special green plants

  11. Most plants produce oxygen however older mature trees actually use oxygen and emit carbon dioxide.  Through proper land management and harvesting the forest correctly is good for the environment. Much of the federal forest is not being properly managed due to certain groups believing that harvesting timber is evil.  The reality is the urban areas of our country do more to harm habitat and environment then rural areas.  Logging roads do not affect wildlife I the fact is they  tend to use them. Once a forest is harvested correctly the wildlife will thrive.  However in a urban setting once you lay black top and cement the natural environment is forever affected and changed. You also need to do some serious research on global warming it really is climate change.  And we may in fact  be in the beginning of a cooling off period and yet the hype of so called globabl warming has prevented this from being talked about.

  12. You don't need plants to stop something naturally occurring.

    The Antarctic ice is actually expanding.

    This guy holds a extremely good argument against global warming.

    Watch all 4 videos.

    Here is "all of what global warming caused" in under 1 degree of increase.

    So this makes it a complete joke.

    Here is a link to see the Southern Hemisphere sea ice is expanding.

    Here is a 30 day period of Antarctica's ice.

    You can see that it is expanding.

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