
What plants need planting now for Winter,and will they return next year?

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What small flowers can I plant now for Winter,and will they come next year?




  1. that's a loaded question, and the answer is largely defendant on where  you live, what kind of climate etc. my recommendation is that you contact your local extension board or look up their web site and get the advice of a master gardener in your area.

  2. Most trees, shrubs and bushes should be planted in September, as with most flowering bulbs, eg daffodils, tulips, blue bells and snowdrops etc.

    Biennial plants should also be planted in September/October. Typical plants would include wall flowers and sweet williams.

    All will flower next year.  Biennials will wither and die at the end of next year, whilst bushes, shrubs and trees will continue indefinitely, along with the flowering bulbs.

  3. Pansies and forget-me-nots

  4. Winter pansies.

  5. It would be slightly helpful if you could tell us where you are located...I don't know of too many flowers that bloom in winter in temperate climates (except maybe skunk cabbage...charming fragrance).  

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