
What player on your favorite team receives the most criticism?

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On the White Sox I would say it is Juan Uribe and Mark Buehrle.

They are both very inconsistent, so the bad sometimes get them negative responses. Who is it on your team?




  1. Being a Braves fan, I think Francouer is definitely the answer. That guy seems to have so much talent, yet he is not disciplined at all at the plate.

  2. Alex Rodriguez without a doubt.  He could get 999 hits out of 1000 at bats and get booed off the field for that one out.  Jeter, on the other hand, could go zero for 1000 and get cheered regardless.  It's the personality of the Yankee fans.  They resent ARod treading on Jeter's sacred territory.

  3. Jason Varitek for the Red Sox gets hammered by callers on Sports Talk radio.  

    Some appreciate his knowledge of pitchers and how well he calls games (he's caught, I think 3 no-hitters so far in his career).

    But many others complain about his weak hitting this year.

    Julio Lugo also gets complaints about his high number of errors at shortstop this year (and his mediocre batting average).  He is currently on the DL and his replacement Jed Lowrie has done an outstanding job so far.

  4. Alex Rodriguez. Nuff said.

  5. Isringhausen. He blew so many saves for us it's just frustrating.  

  6. JD Drew for the Red Sox gets c**p from the fans especially when he goes down looking or takes 2 strikes in almost every at bat.

  7. Gary Matthews Jr. for obvious reasons..

    Speier as well but he did pretty good yesterday so maybe he's gettin better :)

  8. Alex Rodriguez whatever he does its never good, like last year in the playoffs they'll blamed Alex Rodriguez, and i think not fair

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