
What players who are undeniably good players would you not want on your team? And why not?

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What players who are undeniably good players would you not want on your team? And why not?




  1. Sidney Crosby- i can't stand him. he whines and cries to much, i think he is really cocky. if he didn't act the way he did i would def. be like "i wish he was on my fav. team" but i just can't stand his attitude

  2. Crosby. He's just so....whiny....

    "Sid! Shut up, come back on the bench, and let the game end; I need to take a number two!!!"

  3. Avery, just seems real dirty and stuck on himself, the Bill Lambier of the NHL

  4. george laraque

    only because i like it when him and Derek Boogaard fight so if they were on the same team they most likely wouldn't fight

    ....but who knows

  5. -Jagr- he takes shifts off

    -Forsberg- too much of a health liability

    -Simone Gagne- see above (healthy I say YES)

    -Yashin- If he ever came back to the USA

    Right now thats all I can think of not wanting that are UNDENIABLY GOOD (or were, or could be with a work ethic) I might think of a few more

    Guys in the middle of the pack that make too much or I wouldnt want them for various reasons, thats a different story...

    -Lang (takes shifts off)

    -Elias (not worth what he makes)

    -Samsonov (so he found a home in Carolina, we will see)

    -Lapointe (always over-rated since leaving the Wings)

    -McCabe ( Just strikes me as not defensively sound)

    -Kubina (see above, teams let them get away for a reason)

    -Afinogenov (taks too many shifts off)

    -Fedorov ( I might take him if the price was right)

    -Jose Theodore ( up and down in his play, dont know what you will get)

    -Olli Jokinen (takes too man shifts off)

    -Rob Blake ( I was never a fan, good-but not for me)

    -Kyle Calder (lazy at times)

    -Ladislav Nagy (see above)

    -Ray Emery ( do I even have to say)

    I am sure I missed some... but those players have left a bad taste in my mouth for various reasons and I would not want them on my team.

  6. Pronger- head case, but great dman

    Ribeiro- puts up points, but also does silly stuff

    Axelsson- looks like he does a lot, but it doesn't add up for me.

    Afinigenov- super skill, too inconsistent

    Hal Gill- for a big man, he is such a wuss

  7. If we're talking all-time then i would say Patrick Roy. He was a d**k and a psycho. His last game in Montreal when he got pulled he thought it was because the coach had it out for him (couldn't be because he let in 9 goals). He was a showboater too (cough*statueof liberty*cough).

    Current though I would go with Chris Pronger. He's a goon and while I like tough hockey, I don't like intentional injury hockey or penalty box hockey

  8. Currrent players only:

    Jagr, disruptive when not happy. See Penguins.

    Roenick, unprofessional when not happy. See Kings.

    Kariya, misleading fans. See Ducks.

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