
What poem would you chose for your own funeral service?

by  |  earlier

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To rousseau and kikime: is that a specific poem or do you mean limericks, in general?




  1. mine would be ~

    happiness was the sunshineing with a cool breeze

    it is our destiny to pass this life with eaze

    death is not ment to mourn

    for everyone has thier turn

    do not cry for me

    i lived my life

    yes there was some strife

    but i was happy

    so smile to for soon you will see

    love the life you have

    for life is fleeting fast

    and do not let it slip past

    make time for smiles

    take walks that last for miles

    enjoy today  

  2. Do not stand at my grave and weep,

    I am not there, I do not sleep.

    I am in a thousand winds that blow,

    I am the softly falling snow.

    I am the gentle showers of rain,

    I am the fields of ripening grain.

    I am in the morning hush,

    I am in the graceful rush

    Of beautiful birds in circling flight,

    I am the starshine of the night.

    I am in the flowers that bloom,

    I am in a quiet room.

    I am in the birds that sing,

    I am in each lovely thing.

    Do not stand at my grave and cry,

    I am not there. I do not die.  

  3. life is thus

    death is thus

    poem or no poem

    what's the fuss?

  4. I agree limericks!

  5. can't go wrong.

  6. It's been grand to meet with people

        from mountain tops to shores

    to most it's been my pleasure

        for some...the pleasure's yours.

  7. This is the one I wrote.


    Son and daughter, I am gone.

    My body no longer cared

    to house my soul.

    Tired, needing rest,

    I was evicted,

    lease expired.

    It’s alright to be sad now,

    but please be glad, too.

    For now I can be many things.


    the sunflower posing,

    or willow dancing,

    the water lapping,

    or a cool breeze,

    and the special glow

    of a warm sunset.

    So many things…

    to remind you,

    remind you of

    our special times…


    Evicted? Scoff at that!

    Freed from a shell,

    a shell, eroded.

    I soar now. Feel me,

    feel me near,


  8. i would make my own

  9. The Old Salt was a special man

    who came along in a time

    when he was needed most.

    A time that is now gone forever.

    When men believed and sacrificed,

    when hero’s walked the earth in mass.

    When patriotism was not just a word


    by what men lived and judged

    the worth of each,

    a man who lived a life

    most of us cannot comprehend.

    An era now gone

    as this warriors tour of duty ends

    at this station, and begins anew

    in the heavenly fleet.

    Sail on Sailor into your unaccompanied tour,

    we salute you.

    What greater honor, that when a man moves forward,

    he leaves behind in each of us

    the best of what he was.

    A defender, protector, supporter, victor, a warrior,

    the last of the breed from an era

    when ships were made of wood

    and men were made of steel.

    The Old Salt  has reported for duty

    that takes him away from us for now.

    Those of us who remain behind,

    remember, and will continue to remember,

    because he now resides forever in our hearts.

    As I look up at night, I envision The Old Salt,

    a beret draped just above the eye,

    as he draws upon his pipe,

    quietly he waits.

    The guardian of heaven’s gate.

  10. Elegy

    Too proud to die; broken and blind he died

    The darkest way, and did not turn away,

    A cold kind man brave in his narrow pride

    On that darkest day, Oh, forever may

    He lie lightly, at last, on the last, crossed

    Hill, under the grass, in love, and there grow

    Young among the long flocks, and never lie lost

    Or still all the numberless days of his death, though

    Above all he longed for his mother's breast

    Which was rest and dust, and in the kind ground

    The darkest justice of death, blind and unblessed.

    Let him find no rest but be fathered and found,

    I prayed in the crouching room, by his blind bed,

    In the muted house, one minute before

    Noon, and night, and light. the rivers of the dead

    Veined his poor hand I held, and I saw

    Through his unseeing eyes to the roots of the sea.

    (An old tormented man three-quarters blind,

    I am not too proud to cry that He and he

    Will never never go out of my mind.

    All his bones crying, and poor in all but pain,

    Being innocent, he dreaded that he died

    Hating his God, but what he was was plain:

    An old kind man brave in his burning pride.

    The sticks of the house were his; his books he owned.

    Even as a baby he had never cried;

    Nor did he now, save to his secret wound.

    Out of his eyes I saw the last light glide.

    Here among the liught of the lording sky

    An old man is with me where I go

    Walking in the meadows of his son's eye

    On whom a world of ills came down like snow.

    He cried as he died, fearing at last the spheres'

    Last sound, the world going out without a breath:

    Too proud to cry, too frail to check the tears,

    And caught between two nights, blindness and death.

    O deepest wound of all that he should die

    On that darkest day. oh, he could hide

    The tears out of his eyes, too proud to cry.

    Until I die he will not leave my side.)

    Dylan Thomas  

  11. No contest - Henry Lawson's "After all" - do yourself a favour and look it up. It fills me with tears and gives me goosebumps. But I won't have to worry about that.....

  12. I got this poem out of the book Chicken soup for the Christian soul:

    It is called: He only takes the best (author unknown)

    God saw she was getting tired

    and a cure was not to be

    So he put his arms around her

    and whispered, "Come with me"

    With tear-filled eyes we watched her

    suffer and fade away

    Although we loved her deeply

    We could not make her stay

    A golden heart stopped beatting,

    hard-working hands put to rest.

    God broke our hearts to prove to us

    he only takes the best

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