
What point of view should I use?

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I'm writing a story but I'm not sure what POV i should use. Its one of those way overdone stories about a group of people getting stranded on an island (there's a good plot to it, though). There are seven survivors, and they each have their own situations they're dealing with. I was thinking it would be cool to change the POV to each of the characters every chapter. But since there are seven, would that get confusing? Should I get rid of some of the characters and do it that way? Or should I do first person and focus on one character? Or maybe just third person?




  1. I like your idea of writing each character's point of view but I do think it would get confusing with seven characters.  Even something like five characters might be less chaotic.  Or be very specific with which character you are writing about, for example, you could write the character's name as the chapter's title.  Unless you have all your characters planned out already.. in that case it could just be third person with an omniscient point of view.

  2. i  think that you should use is third person omniscient. If you don't know already it is where you are talking from one person and know everyone's thoughts. That would make it really cool and it wouldn't drag on too long from hearing every single person's point of view.

  3. Try rewriting the same scene from several different points of view. Then choose the one that feels the most comfortable.

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