
What points to be put in no objection letter for canadian student visa?

by  |  earlier

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i am applying for a student viza for canada since i want to go ther for my higher studies , i want to ask for ur help how should be the no objection letter from parents , and how should be( format of the letter) letter from my side saying that why im goin to canada and what all thing should i include in that letter.plzz help me




  1. For the parent's letter, keep it simple.  It just needs to say "we approve of our son ______ to go to Canada for _____", etc.  For your letter, just say what you are going to study and where, for how long, and what motivated you to choose it, and what you're going to do when you get back.  (The last part is critical, because they want to make sure you're coming back.)

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