
What poison to put down to get rid of mouse?

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We are going to be putting poison down to hopefully get rid of mice soon, so can anyone please tell me what a good poison to get is?

And NO YOU CANNOT TALK ME OUTTA THIS. We have had these mice for 2 years, have tried traps, sonic wave plug ins, my cat, cleaning, plugging holes. and didnt get rid of or catch ONE mouse.




  1. That or just super glue a piece of dog food to the trigger of the trap.

    Dead Mouse.

  2. Try dipping pumpkin pips in RATEX.Wear gloves and keep away from pets, kids and plants!!  

  3. I don't know what sort of bait you've been using but if you put some peanut butter in a standard spring loaded mousetrap you're going to have a dead mouse in no time.  

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