
What policies are being advocated by Obama that aren't right out of the liberal past that we have been ?

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listening to for the past 40 years?

Where is the change?

I don't see anything different here

It is the same old same old nonsense we have been hearing from democrats going back to Roosevelt and beyond

Anybody see anything different here?

Are they trying to hoodwink us again?




  1. How to respond?   You are obviously happy with the Bush administration and the Mcbush asking for another 4 years.

    I suggest you do some research if you feel so inclined and discover for your self the answer to your question.

    But I know President Obama will review all the Bush executive orders

    and strike down the ones that are unconstitutional.

    I think one of the major changes will be the end of the Unitary

    Executive principle so dear to Cheney.

    And if supporting and defending the Constitution is out of the liberal past, then it just underscores the difference between Democrats and Republicans.

    The fact is McCain is flat wrong for America and on the wrong side of history.  If we have a McCain administration it will be 4 more years of the past 8.

  2. Yeah.  After all our last liberal Democrat made such a mess of the economy, right?  Hahahahahahaha NOT.

  3. Those were the same failed bankrupt liberal ideas of Dukakis, McGovern, Carter and the rest of the failed leadership of the Democrat party.

  4. They're not talking about changing democratic policies and principles. They're talking about changing the disastrous path the country has been on for the last 8 years.

  5. everything is right out of the past with this guy

    nothing new here

    yea so much for change

  6. I guess you agree that corporations should get tax cuts for giving the chinese jobs... or perhaps you love foreign oil so much that you want to keep writing checks to places like Iraq and the Saudis for many years go come... Perhaps you have no desire for renew-able energy... perhaps you want the US to stay on this GOP lead path...

  7.   Thats the problem the Democrats have nothing new to propose just more re packaged socialist tyrannical policies that have only one aim. And that is to keep them in power and their boot on your neck.

  8. I did like the bit about, 'I am my brothers keeper..', I do feel the Republicans have instilled a belief in us of 'every man for himself', which is all fine and good, but even that can be taken too far.

  9. All of Obama's policies revolve around greater government control and expanded entitlements. The one twist is that he thinks that not only Americans are entitled to our tax money, but also Africans. There is nothing new in anything he is proposing, they are just more of the same policy proposals which have failed time and again. He talks about new politics and unity while blaming every ill on George Bush, John McCain, the rich and the free market. The most telling moment in his speech regarding his devotion to liberal ideas was when he said "We are the party of Roosevelt". A vote for Obama is a vote for liberalism plain and simple.

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