
What policies to McCain and Hillary Clinton have in common?

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What policies to McCain and Hillary Clinton have in common?




  1. What does it matter. Hillary is so done.

  2. None...but Hillary's policies/platform was very comparable to Obama's...which is why its ridiculous for Hillary supporters to vote for McCain (unless, of course, they value spite above the future of this country).

  3. None.

  4. Their Obama hating policy.

    Their Bill Clinton hating policy.

    Their doubletalk policy.

  5. The war in Iraq, Yes, really, despite what Clinton felt she had to say to snag the nomination.

  6. Besides bombing Iran, Maybe perform a Vaudeville act in picture theatres across the United States. That would be cool  McCains younger brother Joe is a stage performer they can add their mother Roberta in as part of the act.

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