
What political parties are most similar to the democratic party in the U.S.?

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I was wondering if any parties have similar beliefs as the democratic party? Such as the Green Party, Libertarian Party or Constitution party. Which one of those is most similar to the Democratic party?




  1. The Soviet communist party

  2. Whatever party Jefferson, Washington, and Benjamin Franklin belonged to.

  3. Communist Party.

  4. The Communist Party.

  5. The Socialist Marxist RED CHINESE Communist party of the People !

  6. Currently , as led by the current National Dem party, you will  find most similarity to  the communist party U.S.A..  the old party of Jefferson is gone.  Read Zell Miller's book "A National Party No More"

    further read the position of

  7. The Green party is similar and the Democratic party is NOTHING like the Communist party.

  8. the green purdy

  9. The Green Party.  But as an aside, any party that uses the government to alleviate problems; that are better resolved through private and individual actions. Democratic positions probably most closely resemble the Socialist party positions.

  10. Green Party, the Democratic party And Republican parties are all very very similar.

    The only two parties different from those three are the Libertarian Party and Constitution party.

    Stop voting for the status quo, and join the effort by voting libertarian.  

  11. The Green party, in fact the Green party has nominated a Democrat to run for President this time.

    And none of the people who said Communist have any idea what either the Democratic or the Communist party stand for. That's like saying that the n**i party is most similar to the Republican party.

  12. If there is a Socialist Party, that'd be my answer.

  13. Communist.

  14. yes, the Communist party. Take from the rich and share with the poor, but the leaders get the first pick.

  15. Bolshevicks.

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