
What political party does this belong to?

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If a person is:

- against new taxes (and most existing taxes)

- for free gun ownership

- pro-choice on abortion

- for smaller government

- for spending on NASA, NIH, education, art, music

- against censorship of any kind

- against religious control of the government at any level

- for a more open international trade

- for a more intelligent approach to the terrorist threat

...which political party should they belong to?




  1. Libertarian.  Welcome to my world.

  2. That would depend partly on what you mean by a more "intelligent" approach to the terrorist threat.

    But more or less you would consider yourself Libertarian, though they aren't too much for spending on NASA, NIH, education, art and/or music.

    Otherwise you would probably call yourself a Conservative Democrat or a Liberal Republican.  Conservative Democrat would probably fit a little better.

  3. A moderate to a libertarian.

    "-for spending on NASA, NIH, education, art, music"

    Spending on these programs is the pivot point where I am demarcating you from a moderate and a libertarian, but I welcome debate.

  4. Can't be libertarian because of the funding for NASA, NIH, education, art, music

    I'd say Green or fringes of dems.

    Can't be independent, because that would mean Bin Laden to Pat Buchanan and everything in between.

    I'm really at kind of a loss as to what party that would represent.

    Me for one thing.


  5. The Isle of Man. Party for two.

  6. It all sounds like libertarians except for the NASA spending, but I could be wrong there...

  7. The ever popular Decline to State Party!

  8. Liberal Repub or Libertarian, take your pick.

  9. Utopian.

  10. Mainly Libertarian.

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