
What political party were you born into? Are you still in that party?

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Or have you switched parties and political views? Why? What opened your mind to the new ideas?




  1. Democrat, yes still in that party.  I might consider switching to Republican some day when it benefits me.  If I ever start making a whole lot of money I may switch over to try and reap the benefits, but as far as I can tell no point in doing so when it doesn't help me.

  2. I was born to a Vietnam Vet and a hippie girl in 1977....

    We are all still Democrats.

    I don't think I'll ever vote Republican because I have too many women, g*y friends and people of color that I care a great deal about.

    My friends and family are too diverse to give in to that kind of homogenous fascism.

  3. I come from a long line of New Deal Democrats - actually, they probably started out as Tammany Hall Democrats (we are from that bastion of liberalness - New York City). My father was even a member of the JFK New Frontier Democratic Club.

    Politics were always discussed when I was growing up and I figured that everyone's family talked politics. I even majored in political science because I was so interested in government and the study of politics.

    I find that overall, I lean more towards the Democrats on social issues, but that does not mean that I would not vote for a Republican if he/she had views that were similar to my own. I have voted for local Republicans because I know several and they are actually nice people and I believe that our town council needs a loyal opposition.

    I find that in general, the Republican agenda is against everything I believe in. I am pro-choice, anti-gun, pro teaching evolution and most of all, I am not, nor will I ever be a Christian and I am against a party that places so much emphasis on being a Christian and accepting a deity that I will never accept. That sort of rhetoric makes me feel like a foreigner in my own country, though unlike many conservatives, I would never want to endanger their right to act and sound like fools.

  4. Republican and no I'm Democrat now after becoming educated past a 3rd grade level

  5. I am still a Democrat, but I do not support Obama.  I will be voting Democrat for Congressman and Senator.

  6. Great question.  I was born into a Republican leaning family.  Most of us now are Democrat leaning voters.  The Republican party has changed and has lost their way regarding conservative fiscal responsibility.  

  7. My mother was a democrat, my father a republican, I have worked for "liberal" oriented causes, but, sense the democratic party has focused on issues in such a fashion I find it difficult to support the  leadership of Pelosi and Reid.

    Obama, I consider a light weight intellectually regarding policy, and McCain, too harsh regarding foreign policy.

    Both party's are struggling with a message that is centrist and wise, in my opinion.

  8. My parents were FDR democrats, I converted them, we are all a very well adjusted Republican family now.  When I was in High School getting ready to vote in the Carter-Ford election, I pointed out what the democrats were for, and what the republicans were for.  My parents took notice, and have voted Republican ever since.  The reason is we are Catholics with morals.

  9. I come from a family where one parent is a Democrat and one is a Republican. This led to fantastic debates around election time and allowed me to be brought up with a well rounded view of the world. These discussions were never aggressive and were always nice. I think that allowed me to enjoy politics and debating as much as I do today. With that said, I have made the decision to become a Republican. In my view that party seams to do what is right for all Americans more often than the Democrats and that they are more driven by numbers and logic than by just emotion.


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