
What pond plants wont koi eat/destroy?

by  |  earlier

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I have found out that koi eat/wreck/destroy a lot of plants and they are a habit to quite alot of pondkeepers for this....But i have found adleast 3 plants which koi wnt destroy and eat it all. But i was wondering if there were any floating plants like lillies which they wont destroy as i am thinking of gettin a few koi for my pond which i am extending. Any ideas??





  1. Two floating type water plants that koi won't wreck include the water hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes) and the water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes).  

    Many species of lilies and lotus also do well in koi pond.  But you have to get well rooted, mature specimens because koi will destroy small, newly planted ones.

  2. other just put barriers to the plant so the kois will not be able to destroy the plants.

    kOi keeper & goldfish keeper.

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