
What posessed Gail Porter to do this photo shoot?

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  1. Blimey!

    She dont give a toss does she?? Good on her, although I wish I hadn't seen it lol

  2. she was auditioning for alien of the year.

  3. It's called 'having fun and getting paid to do it'.

  4. God, those shades are sooooo big.

  5. all power to her i say what a lot of heartache she had to suffer when she lost her hair and to be that ball*y to put alopecia out there in the public domain shows real strenght of character so all for it and what a brave woman she is.

  6. Money?

  7. i must download that and put a copy over the fire to keep the kids away, she was absolutely stunning before she lost her hair, such a shame. x

  8. My God!!...Hope the Tappas 9 arn't watching ....Egg head the abductor!....Phone the police....

  9. prescription drug overdose?

  10. With no hair she can't get work as an actress or a model, so repeatedly sells her sob story

  11. what the f...

    okaaay not attractive.. and that's pretty much what she's got going for her. I understand that her disease has affected her and that she leaves it out in the open for all to see to come to terms with it and help other sufferers..

    but we, the men of the world, strongly protest against this mentality and demand that she trade her clothes for a wig and resume stunning us.

  12. The need for money to support a comfortable lifestyle.

  13. Look, i have had depression, and quite honestly when you are better you realise youa re lucky! Lucky to feel well! If she has got rid of depression and ended up with a bald head, then perhaps she is happy!

    Good luck to her!

  14. Gail Porter looks beautiful!

    Although I admit she doesn't really suit those glasses.  But she has a beautiful face, a lovely smile and is actually one of the few women who still looks gorgeous without hair.

    I admire her spirit, her ability to bounce back and wish her all the best.

  15. Because in showbusiness, no publicity is bad publicity.

  16. I agree with evilemmabear..she showed real guts and spirit doing that..I hope it helps other  alopecia sufferers come to terms with the affects of it.

  17. any publicity is good publicity

    why dosent she just wear a hat or a wig , i remember seeing pictures of her hair growing back

    does she now shave it ?

  18. i admire her

    she's got guts  

  19. Oh dear, I haven't got a clue why she would do this, she's just going over the top now.

  20. If she won't wear a wig, at least put a bag over her head.  

  21. yes, much better to hide at home and never have any fun

    "awful grin"

    its not, but even if it was, so what?  only perfect grins are allowed?

    its no wonder so many people are obsessed with appearance in this country - anyone in the public eye who's not absolutely gorgeous gets torn to pieces by the 'absolutely gorgeous' british public

  22. Why not!

    Where in the 21st century for god`s sake!  

    For those people who suffer from this, and other, illness(es), maybe she`s showing them that you can accept yourself for the way you are, and not the `ideal` the media portreys we should be.

    Is individualism dead???

  23. Well the comments at the end of the article sum it up...

    One talks about bi-polar ( the celebrity excuse for madness)

    The about alopecia....

    The third asks what her career was?  I cant answer that one!!

  24. Most likely - MAMMON (Money).

  25. ohhhh blimey who knows ?

  26. Good for her.  I think she looks fabulous and if it helps others who have suffered from alapaecia realise it is not the end of the world then I don't see what the problem is.  I'd far rather see pictures of Gail - who still looks wonderful and has a strong, zany personality than pictures of Britainy Spears with her f***y hanging out or looser druggie Amy Whinehouse any day!!

  27. money

  28. I think she is being the public/media a big two finger salute.

    I do admire her but have to say she gets on my wick as well!

  29. She looks like an old man

  30. An expression of her personality I would imagine. Despite the problems she has faced she is as strong as ever.

  31. The fee?

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