
What posesses someone to try a cigarette for the first time?

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I just want to know what makes someone just say hmmm let me try smokin a cigarette.other than peer pressure,some people jus get up go to the store buy cigarettes and start smoking.I'm curious to kno why.i've asked several people wat made em pick up a cigarette and just start smoking it and none of em could give me a decent answere....




  1. Curiosity is one cause, peer pressure as you said is another, some people whos parents smoke feel it makes them mature like their parents to smoke a cigarette.  Some people just want it.  I knew a guy who started smoking because he loved the smell.  It can be a load of different reasons, those being the most common.

  2. When it's not peer pressure and the need to fit in and feel accepted, it's possible it's learned behavior. Say a kid saw one or both of his parents and even some relatives smoking for years, there's no sense telling that kid that smoking is bad because the message the kid is getting is that smoking is ok. Just a theory.

  3. For me at least...

    I didn't buy my first cigarette or even a pack of cigarettes.  I actually "bummed" my first smoke off of another smoker.

    Like many non-smokers I was curious as to why people smoke in the first place.  As a non-smoker (at the time) I didn't understand why If a smoker (like my Dad) decided that he wanted to stop he couldn't just stop.

    But that is another story...

    Anyway, I guess what I liked was the stimulating effects and head rush that I got at the time.  What I didn't realize was as these effects were tapering off, my body was building a dependence on nicotine.

    I would just smoke more frequently to obtain the rush that I had felt the week before.  This should have triggered a "Red Flag" somewhere in my brain but somehow I missed the sign.

    I also noticed that I became irritated for no reason at all (I missed this sign too). I didn't understand what addiction was.  No one had ever really explained it to me.  It was my own ignorance and the addiction that led me to smoke.  As I began to suffer from early withdrawls it was the tension, anxiety and irritability that actually made me decide to go and buy my own pack of cigarettes.  This and the fact that I was "bumming" smokes all the time.

    That was 23 years ago, and now I only smoke to prevent withdrawls.  I did stop briefly after smoking for 11 years.  I quit cold turkey, and that lasted 6 months.  Then I started smoking again.

    Now I feel trapped by nicotine because I know what addiction and withdrawls can do, and its my fear of going through withdrawls that keeps me smoking.

  4. Most people who start smoking have a fascination with it that leads to curiosity. It appeals to them on some level, because it is interesting to them, and different from other activities once could pursue. The fact that you are asking this question indicates that you are interested in it, and will probably try it eventually. And that is okay - nearly everyone tries it at once time or another.

    In my case, I was fascinated with smoking when I was only 3 or 4, but I didn't try it until I was 12.

  5. Its just children preparing themselves for the use of other drugs like Crack or Heroin or Marijuana xx

  6. What posesses someone to do anything?

    The answer is free will.

  7. Decades ago, it was the cool thing to do. There were a lot of advertisements showing cool people smoking. Think the Marlboro man. One cigarette brand used a cartoon in its ads until it was pressured to stop because it seemed targeted at teens. I know I tried because my friends were relentless at trying to get me to at least try one. I ended up trying to get them off my back. I didn't do it right because I just didn't care.

    Some people smoke because they feel it's relaxing. It keeps them occupied. I've heard people say it's for weight loss.

  8. they thought it was cool!

    or they seen someone whom like look up to or want to be like and tried it too!

    there are reasons but most are not willing to admit how easeily influcence they were!  that or they really forgot!

    for me i started because i thought it was cool and my mom did it and she is still hear so i ignored all the press and talks about it being bad!  i knew to many people who were GREAT people who did this1

  9. Purely curiosity. Four years ago when I was 21 my friends and I went out to bars a lot and saw a lot of people smoking. One day my friend and I were out driving around and we just got the idea to try smoking. We stopped at a gas station and bought one pack of Camel lights to share. We smoked not even a half pack between the two of us and decided there was nothing fun about it. It seemed to be more of a social thing people just did at bars. So we stopped.

    Not my best life decision, but at least now I can say I tried them and was able to quit. Now my daughter has no excuse for ever smoking more than half a pack. :)

  10. peers. probably to look cool and they got a nasty little habit for life. at least that's what happened with me. lol

  11. Curiosity...and the fact that i was told its a good way to relieve stress.. lol my ***, doesnt work at all..smells good though...

  12. My parents smoked. Then when I saw my friend smoke you wonder what the attraction is. You're young & ignorant so you give it a try. But yuck! What a dirty habit! Expensive too.

  13. I believe on of the causes can be


    To rebel on my society my parents my ppl

    I know some kids started smoking although none of their parents or family members do, just to rebel and to gain attention

    Unfortunately, it is too hard to stop once they start

    Another reason is Lots of Free Time, that is not use effectively

    When kids have lots of free time they minds thinks of ways to fill it

    sometime cigarettes are just the case, specially with peers

    And I think teaching little children from early childhood about th edangerous of smoking is really beneficial in reducing the risk of having a smoking kids in his/her teens

  14. Curiosity

  15. i loved the smell and i was i really fancied the girl who offered me it..which i guess is peer pressure! it hasnt turned me into a smoker though

  16. Usually curiosity -- their friends or relatives are doing it, and they wonder what they get from it. Sometimes just the natural desire to do what your friends are doing. In fact, recent research shows that people tend to start smoking and stop smoking in groups. At some point if they do it enough to get the knack of it they discover that nicotine is an extremely pleasurable drug, and they're on the way to addiction. That's what happened to me. Some kids love it the very first time, but I kept trying it and wondering what was so good about it. I was about to give up but I saw all these kids smoking and figured there *must* be a reason they were doing it, so I kept at it and ended up getting hooked.

  17. I worked in a office, and all the women there smoked. Two of them loved smoking.   And brag how much they loved it. I thought i was missing out of something good.. so i tried it. I thought it was cool i guess. I was stuck on  that stinky crummy habit for 30yrs. Have now been 1yr smoke free.

  18. Cancer...It's so cool

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