
What position in a chart indicates what type of a parent a person will turn out to be?

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As in, certain conjunctions, houses, or planets.





  1. The type of parent you will be is reflected in your children, so look at your 5th house.  What is on the cusp, what planets are in the 5th house and aspects to the 5th house.  

    Also, your sun sign, ascendant and moon sign will also influence your parenting styles.  The more beneficial the aspects, the easier and happier the job of parenthood will be.

    If Taurus is on the cusp of the 5th, you will see the Taurean influence in one of the personal planets, or ascendant of the child - if you raise the child.  What are the aspects of venus in your chart and that will indicate some of the positive and negative experiences you might have as a parent.

    Always, the sun, moon and ascendant will also influence your style of parenting as well.

  2. Hi, Whisper:)

    I don't know all of the answers to this one but I'd suspect that part of it comes down to the 5th house, which rules children and can tell you how a person interacts with children.

    I think in order to really understand what kind of a parent a person is though, you need to look at the synastry between themselves and their children, because everyone's experience of their parents is unique. Some children are going to react well to their parent's behaviour, others are not...all in the same family. Sometimes there are some children who mesh well with their parent's personalities, they may be favoured over the others, not neccessarily because they are loved more than the others, but simply because there's more understanding between themselves and the parents.

    Good question.

    EDIT: Yes, partly that's the case, but your own chart sun moon rising etc...will have an effect on how you manifest that as well.

    Personal example: My own 5th house cusp is in Sagittarius, and while I don't have children myself, I work with them for a living, and have probably worked with many hundreds of kids over the past 17 years or so. Thing is though, that my 5th is in the last degrees of Sagittarius, so the majority of the house and placements within the house are in Capricorn. So while in my job, I do like to have fun with the kids, and there's always lots of laughing and joking and just general good times going on in my studio, we play games, and they get to choose some of their own pieces to learn, but when all's said and done, those kids are there to *learn* and to work, and if they're not pulling their weight in their lessons, you'd better believe that Saturn is coming out and correcting that behaviour. Cappy Venus in the 5th is trine Taurus MC...they learn the discipline of musical expression as well when they're with me. I have to say that I've gotten a bit stricter and sterner over the years, and the teacher that I am now is not the same one I was when I was 18 and just starting out, but I can't see myself treating my own kids any differently than I do my students, really. I will be able to understand and appreciate their need for individuality and freedom, but believe that they're going to be learning about personal accountability and responsibility and discipline as well. Yeah, I have a feeling that I'm going to end up being the hard assed parent when they're teenaged, lol:-p. But 4th house Sun says that I should be able to be nurturing to them, and Aqua moon says that I'll hopefully be able to maintain some rationality when they upset or disappoint me (as children will always ultimately do in some way or another)....other things in the chart will indicate other behaviours as well. So you see, you kind of have to look at the whole chart to get a really good idea of what that person is going to be like as a parent, because the parent is (or at least should be) involved in many different ways in the upbringing of their children. It's not just the emotional, or the discipline, or any other thing in particular. It's how all of those things blend together.

    Another example: My mother. Leo sun and Taurus moon. I don't know her time of birth, so really couldn't say what her house placements are although she was incredibly beautiful when she was younger and has a propensity for being a fence sitter, and relationships are very important to her, so am wondering if maybe she has Libra rising. I don't know though. Will learn how to do rectification one day and then I'll figure it out. But anyhow, my mother's taurus moon is in conj. with my taurus MC, and I'll tell you I learned the value of a good work ethic from that woman. She's a living example of "good work ethic".  She was a bit of a slave driver actually, lol, but she kind of had to be because Neptune conj. Sun (yours truly) is naturally I guess I needed that. I'm sure that if I looked at it more closely, I'd see other placements in her chart which aspect placements in mine and have shaped those aspects of my personality. And then in my father's chart, his Sun is conj. my ascendant, and we've both got air moons (his Libra, mine Aquarius)....we're a LOT alike, actually. His Jupiter in Scorpio is conj. my Mercury in's into conspiracy theory a lot and occult knowledge a bit (he never really explored it all that much...his mother was a fundamentalist christian and that would have put a damper on it for him), and it was through shared interests such as that with him that led me further down that path myself. His Jupiter influence expanded my natural Mercury in Scorpio inclination towards all things conspiracy and occult related, because it's something that we shared in common and one of the few areas where we were really able to bond. If it weren't for my father, I possibly wouldn't know jack about astrology or anything else lol.

    So you see, there are many different ways in which a parent can influence a child, there's no one formula which dictates what kind of a parent a person will be IMO, it just comes down to the synastry with each individual child.

    Maybe I'm mistaken, though, but that would be my take on it.

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