
What position in soccer do you like?

by  |  earlier

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I personally like defense and more personally center/stopper. wut do u like? i need to know please!!!!!




  1. Well it depends. When I play against the guys I like to

    be positioned as a left wing. When I play against the

    girls I like the position of doggy style, of course me being

    the giver lol

  2. forward or in ESPN UK Lingo  "Striker" I haven't heard the  term "Striker" since i was  5  oh well  learning it  loving it Is how it goes

    but then hockey D-fence

  3. i like to play as wing  or center back is a great position and like it because its not only u skills  is that position that u like to help ur team

    striker ,goalkeeper ,midfielder all are great positions  just play what u like  

  4. where u play , is depends on ur skills ! if u can cross the ball from long distance then play at wigns . if u hav accurecy on ur passes play as a center mid , if u good at targeting and shotting a ball currently where u want 2 shoot then be a striker , if u r good at catching ball from otherz then go to defence, BTW when u play at defence , u should not scared from anything!

  5. Being a goalie....I'd prefer my own position-THE GOALKEEPER....

    It's real fun-the dives,saves & the attention...

  6. Personally i prefer to play midfield, because you get a little bit of both defense and striker (forward). Defense is okay. It just depends on the team your playing. For instance, if your playing a sucky team then to me defense can be really boring, but if your playing a really good team then i sometimes would rather play defense because you get more action. Same goes for striker (forward). It also depends on just how much your willing to run or how much effort your willing to put into it. But like i said to begin with my personal preference is midfield. Did i let you know enough? =]

  7. I had to like Left Back- left back in the changing room!!! lol

  8. i like middle defense goalie and mid fielder!

  9. well idk what position i like but in my team that i play in im a winger on the right side

  10. Right back / Centre back.

    Right Wing

    Attacking Midfielder.  

  11. I play just behind the strikers as an attacking midfielder or as a first striker :)

  12. Left Wing Defence

  13. I like playing forward most, but then right behind that would be GK and winger.  

  14. I like to play in a left forward position.

    I strike good from there with my right foot and i can easily deliver crosses but i also run al across the forward line making runs where im needed.


  16. Striker or left winger.

    Midfield's and goalkeepers for fatty's.

  17. Goal keeper ;-)

  18. I like either an attacking midfield (preferably right under the forwards and feeding them) or being an attacking fullback (sucks having to haul back to cover though)

  19. goalie......  

  20. i love playing in central defense,,or defensive midfielder

  21. I enjoy playing the Right Winger position. .  I can work and speed down the sidelines and deliver the cross over passes  

    if not positioned there, i work The Striker position as good as the winger. The speed and Footwork  i can execute has been my strong point and  leave the defenders in the tracks.    

    great question.  

  22. I like deeplying playmaker, or just playmaker

  23. im the water boy :(

  24. well ma favorite position is attacking center midfield

  25. I like Left Wingers.

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