
What position in volleyball do u play??? Useally?

by  |  earlier

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Blocker/middle and if u don't play on a team what is ur fav. position??






  1. middle hitter/blocker; or outside hitter!!! i also like serving!!

  2. I usually play  MB/MH and  right back defense (we have a right back,left back, and someone who plays short).

    But lately if we are winning, my coach will sometimes sub  me out when im in the front row, and play a freshman in my spot so they get more experience.

    But I'm back in to serve and play defense.

    which actually makes no sense since I'm 5'11 and the best blocker. yet they want me to play defense.

    Go figure.

  3. I play middle and I block and hit.Hitting is my favorite thing to do ,but middle so far is my favorit and the one I useally play.

  4. i play right or left hitter...sometimes middle/setter.....also i loveee serving! :]]

  5. i play on a team but we dont have certain postitions. but my favorite spots are anywhere in the back . if i have to be in the front, i like being on the sides. i just hate being in middle front.

  6. my school plays in rotation, but my club had positions.

    i usually play middle hitter, and sometimes setter

  7. I thought it goes in rotation? Thats how I played in High school

  8. Middle hitter/blocker, middle back.

    When not playing serious team ball I would also be a setter, and a "monoplay server" (I could serve ten before hitting the next one into the ceiling :)... yes, I am a nice guy.

  9. im a lefty so its more naturaly for be to play opposite, but since im my team's best hitter, its all about the outside baby!

  10. I play outside hitter mainly! But if one of our 6ft tall middles is sucking it up im their! I run slides, front quicks, backquicks and 2's!!! I LOVE VOLLEYBALL!!! I wish my high school did volleyball year round!

  11. im a natural setter :]

    and i serve pretty good.

  12. Setter and server at the beginning of the games

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