
What position in your chart do you love the most?

by Guest31772  |  earlier

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What position in your chart do you love the most? Why? Like for me I love my sun & mars in scorpio.




  1. I love that my ascendant in scorpio with pluto conjuncting it alogn with lilith my black moon and my juno!Alsi love havign my jupiter conjunct my sun in cancer.

  2. my aries ascendent

    why?? it makes me know when to stand up for myself. it makes me aggressive, bold, protective and competitive.

    it really hardens my 'gentle' cancer sun nature.

    edit: i forgot to mention my uranus in aquarius. love that too. makes me very original. ^_^ (i like talking about myself) lol

  3. My sun in Gemini and my Aries midheaven.

    Sun in Gemini just cause we're just that awesome and Aries midheaven because basically having anything in Aries is awesome lol

  4. Virgo Moon

    Without it, I guess I'll just be another sulking, dreaming and escapist Pisces. My Virgo Moon makes me down-to-earth (at least as down-to-earth as a Pisces can be!). It gives me a capable mind and complements the strengths that my Pisces Sun gives me rather well.

  5. I love my mars in scorpio! do i need to explain y? ..... oh and i also like my sun in Cap..    

  6. I have 4 positions in my chart that I love.

    For starters, sun in Libra. Second, moon in Aries.

    Next up, Capricorn ascendant & Mars in Sagittarius.

    I'll explain why.

    Sun in Libra (in the 9th house) - gives me a sense of wonder

                                                  & extreme curiosity about higher

                                                  states of mind. Also, it gives me the

                                                  overall sense of being a lover & a

                                                  fighter at the same time.

    Moon in Aries (in the 3rd house) - helps to bring out more of the

                                                     fighter quality in me & lets me

                                                     act quickly when emergencies &

                                                     things of that nature generally arise.

                                                     Also, gives a "punch" when writing.

    Ascendant in Capricorn - makes me ambitious, self reliant (especially

                                         when it comes to making money) & reserved

                                         (that one helps me not to be exploited by


    Mars in Sagittarius - gives me a very passionate & "durable" quality.

                                  also, makes me very loyal to friends (at least

                                  to those who actually deserve my loyalty !)

  7. Saturn in Aquarius

    Mars in Scorpio.

    Aquarius 7th house.

    As a matter of fact those are the only ones i like..... i wish the rest were different........

  8. I love my Midheaven cancer.

    Because it makes me very caring

    and nurturing with others.

    Also, i heard Cancer midheaven

    represents people who become Famous

    through contact with the public~

    and my dream is to be a Singer

    so i can identify with that :]

  9. I really appreciate my moon in the first house because it makes a sensitive person.

    I also like my Ascendant conjunct Rising

  10. I love my Pluto in the 1st house, and having my Sun, Mars, and Ascendant all conjunct to each other.

    I also like my Leo Midheaven. : )

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