
What position should i be playing?

by Guest64039  |  earlier

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i am 184cm tall i weigh 74kg. i can run 50meters in 6.4 seconds, wat position should i be playing. i have been put at second row but i think im gonna get killed there. wat u guys think???




  1. with the height and build you are, your pretty similar to me, excpet i am a bit heavier ... i play Scrum Half or Full Back, which these positions you can utilise your pace with. hoewever if your not so experienced with the game of Rugby, then i wouldn't opt for scrum half and i would go for full back

  2. A lot will depend on the type of person you are. If you love the contact and tackling then perhaps back row? If you have good hands and can kick a bit then perhaps centre?

  3. fullback definitely, if your asking what position you should be playing you probably don't know the game well enough to make those decisions at flyhalf. Best of luck to you either way.

  4. If you don't like tackling big guys and your really fast, and you can kick pretty well. I would actually suggest Fly-Half because you don't sound very heavy and you have good hand-eye co-ordination.

  5. i think you should be a fullback

  6. you don't like tackling too big a guy?

    such feebleness indicates to me that you are gonna be a backline player, most likely a fullback. not to many of the big scary guys will come charging at you there.

  7. You are about the same build as me and i am usually put 1st center... u have to be quite big to crass the ball in the center and need good handleing skills to get the ball from out half to 2nd center! Also having a good boot is a plus because u can take the pressure off the out half!! But seriously if your not going to tackle the big guys u shudnt be on the rugby field!!

  8. i think you should play in the back row because ur quick and could score try from the back of the scrum but you will just have to face your fear and tackle these guys if you want to play rugby

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