
What position should i play ?

by Guest21273  |  earlier

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well im 6 foot 190 it my first year playing any ideas




  1. Well, if in high school, maybe TE.  

  2. hmm, with your body I would recommend WR if you have hands and good speed.  If you like to knock the tar out of people you would be a good safety or linebacker.  Of course running back would work as well.

  3. You're sounding like a defensive end/tackle to me.  

  4. well if you can throw the ball at all you should try out for qb cause your tall yoru not fast but if your team doesn't have any good receivers the only thing you will have to worry about is handing off the ball right but what ever you need help with other qbs/coaches will help you with. what grade are you going to be in cause if your young all the better and you'll be able to get better at the position as you go through high school and such if your not already there.

  5. Defensive line - until you develop some skill sets.

    But the bottom line is: you play where coach puts you.

  6. It depends on what your good at

    physical stature has nothing to do with it, a RB can be strong and tall and succede (power back)

    or he could be 5' 6" and quick as a rabbit(finesse back)

    you have to decide on what position you play best

  7. It depends on the style of offense and defense your team runs, and what grade you're in. It's hard to answer these questions without seeing you run or tackle.

    We run a version of the Wing T, and if you were a freshman, I'd be trying you at FB, TE and G on offense. FB and G are almost the same position in our offense, the G's just aren't as fluid running with the ball.

    On D You'd probably be a DE, or LB.

    A Spread, Pro, I..... would change the characteristics of the positions.

    Either way, my best advise to you is to talk to your coach and find out what he thinks you should concentrate on and where you fit in best with the team goals.

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