
What position would best suite my physique?

by Guest65584  |  earlier

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I have been playing for my local team for nearly a year now and have always played as a flanker, i love that position but dont know if id be better suited somewhere else.

Age - 19

Height - 6ft 1

Weight - 212 pounds/95kg/15 stone

I can sprint quickly and im fairly strong the 212 is muscle not fat.

Thanks in advance!




  1. Further to what nasty said, it comes down to your menality too. You'll never be a good centre/flanker/number 8 if you aren't aggressive. If you're too bulky in the wrong places (ma'a nonu) you won't be fast enough for wing of fullback, likewise, if you have no tactical skills you can't be a good halfback, first-five or fullback.

  2. You would be an awesome Center though.  The crash balls would be intense.  We had a player of your size only a bit smaller player Inside Center and it was awesome.  Improve your passing, also do what is best for your team.  You can tackle at center.  just improve all aspects of your game but i think you would be an awesome center

  3. Size is only part of what determines what positon you should play.  If you have good hands and can make things happen in the open field, you can play really any position from 6-15.  Centers are typically the bigger, heavier of the backs.  Your bigger than the typical scrumhalf and you'd know if you could play that already.  If you're very fit and don't mind getting in and doing the dirty work (scrumming, tackling, rucking, ect.) then flanker is a good positon.  You need to be a very good athlete to be an effective flanker.  You'd probably need to gain a little weight to play #8 at a high level.  

    To answer your question, your physique best suits a center or a flanker.  They're two entirely different positions that require very different skills to be effective.  That being said, whatever position you are best at, and feel comfortable at, is where you should play.  Your personal abilities and committment are far more important than your size.  

  4. I agree with nasty, you could play anywhere from 6 to 15. Many players would like to be backrow forwards, and from the sounds of things you could be a 6 or 7. I don't think you are big enough for 8.

    You have to remember that back rows get a hammering in every game, and need to be really good at doing the work that the ref doesn't see (Richie McCaw).

    Centers can be considered the flankers of the back line. Take Brian O'Driscoll for example. He is a highly effective tackler and rucker, as well as being an exceptional angle runner. In all honesty he is probably a better player in defense than attack these days.

    Can you kick the ball? These days 12's need to have the kicking abilities of a 10.

    No one can make this decision for you here on answers. It is impossible without seeing how you play.

    If you can sprint fast, kick, tackle, and change direction off one foot quickly, i think you would be a good center (probs 13). If you can hit, get up, hit again, and turn the ball over consider 6. If you can do the work of a 6 an get away with "foul play" think about 7.

    If you are like me and deide to drink loads of beer, prehaps, in time, you could become a tighthead prop.

  5. You'd make an awesome halfback but learn to pass or you'll end up as a George Gregan on steroids.

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