
What position would i play in basketball?

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im 14

5'7 1/2


can post up well

crafty around the rim

great mid range shooter

average long range shooter

can step it up during crunch time

80% free throw shooter

have hops like a white man

im an average passer

but i can see the court pretty well

i'm pretty fast

im a great defender

my ball handling is average




  1. it sounds like u never played basketball before, before you play get all those average skills to advanced skills, and right now i think you would play a guard

  2. probably 2 guard or SF but ur too shor for SF so im thinking maybe 2 guard cuz u said u culd shoot and ur fast... and if you work on your ball handling and passing point would be the ideal position for you cuz of your height

  3. One funny church ad i saw was from a tamil churhch ad n it's like. :We pleasure all new comers and we do Missionary too!! lmao wow. wingman, but mostly sg

  4. he's crafty---he's crafty---beastie boys~

  5. Thats a good question let me get back to u on that.

  6. Well... I say your an excellent player. If you play 4 fun you be a position 4 everything, shooter, defender all position. But I think you should be the shooter.

  7. I would say you would be a good swingman, or shooting guard/small foward.

  8. shooting guard

  9. Small Forward forsure.

  10. Small Forward

  11. Small forward the ball handling says it all.

  12. I would probably cast you as a shooting gaurd if I was a coach.

  13. it is a tie between small forward and shooting guard

    for sure

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