
What positive or proactive steps has Ban Ki Moon taken to weed out corruption in the UN?

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I thought he elected partly on a platform that was strongly leaning towards fixing not only the image, but the actual operations in the UN. I was skeptical at the time because he comes froms such a pervasively corrupt political climate (here is the latest scandal in the ROK: and now, 11 months after taking office, it seems that he has not done in anything in this area at all. What am I missing?




  1. I know that I have heard a lot of talk, but thats about the norm.  Ban Ki-Moon has made many public statements of fighting corruption, both internally and externally, but I honestly havent seen it amount to much.  Intestingly enough, he may be caught up in his own corruption as well (cite article).  I think we should give him some time, he hasn't been in office that long.  But, we do need to see some positive, clearly defined results coming from this.  Instead of just quitely taking people out back, we should publically display this issue and publically deal with it so people are disinclined to take advantage of this monetary system again.

  2. no one person can rein in corruption, the only way to do that is dismantle the un it is sinful from top to bottom. humans were never meant to rule over other humans especially sinful humans and history has proven that point which is one of the main reasons it has been allowed to continue until now.


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