
What positives can tourists bring to a country?

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what positives can tourists bring to a country?




  1. They spend a lot and this is great for the economy.

  2. help Make our Economy stronger. that would be the number one reason I can think of.

  3. money, jobs,industry, a chance to meet someone from somewhere different.

  4. First of all the most noticeable of the positives that a tourist brings is the money,or in other words livelihood to many.Secondly,a glimpse of a new culture inspires him to explore the similarities or dissimilarities between his and the novel culture,thus enabling the promotion of the destined country.Finally,the much needed proximity leads to global friendship and harmony.Raja Sharma.Please visit

  5. Tourists bring increased income on their spending on travel, accomodation, ect. The government also benifits from increased revenue as it recieves taxes from buisinesses earing revenue from tourism and in VAT from goods and services bought by tourists.

    Tourism creates jobs both directly and indirectly in related industries.

    They also bring diversity and multicultural aspects to our country.

    Development can also bring about improves infrastructure which can be used by tourists and local people alike.

  6. A look on what people from other countries are like. Plus revenue from money they spend while they're here.

  7. It can be very beneficial to the economy.  Tourism can spur a number of positives

    (1) Job Growth

    (2) Increased in business for local business

    (3) Need for additional public services (police/fire, ect) which can be both a positive and a negative because of the cost

    (4) Increase in sales tax revenue

    (5) Local hotels, car rentals, taxis, and airport/airline will also so an increase in business.

  8. Lots of revenue.

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