
What possesses an unattractive, uneducated older man to continually pursue?

by Guest61429  |  earlier

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an attractive, educated younger woman?

Is it possibly society's view of women as being inferior?

Ie. The custodian at my grad school approaches me a lot and started getting too personal...another one asked me for hugs! I may sound stuck up, but I don't even hug other students - I'm pretty what could this be?

Could it be a race issue too? (we're all blk, well I'm blk/azn)

I'm also assertive too, and never give it to them, but I'm curious why they think this is OK




  1. Ummm...............s*x.

  2. The man you describe is a pervert, and you probably arent the only person he is trying to get all touchy feelly with. Guys like that do it because its socially acceptable in their culture to be gross with women no matter what the age. I know first hand a couple of nationalities that pull stunts like this all the time, but I wont post them for obvious reasons because someone might misconstrue my observations as something racist, when its really not.

  3. The hope that some women aren't too superficial and shallow to see past what a man looks like or what he does for a living and give him a chance to demonstrate his personality and sense of humor (if that's truly what women want in a man).

    Make up your d**n minds.

  4. You have to understand that people 'see' themselves as 'un'. Even people with low esteem don't really have NO esteem. If you flat out told someone with low self esteem that everything they say about themselves is true, they would at some point agree, but they would be surprised that someone else actually observed it. And with the other estreme, arrogant, annoying people would be flabbergasted if someone told them they thought otherwise of them.

    Bottom line, people ARE NOT REALISTIC, because we aren't able to know who we really are, because of so many other outside situations and environment. (But that is another post entirely!)

    If you don't want this man's attention, avoid him. You can also tell him (although some guys see no as a maybe, because women --and/or men-- don't know how to say no properly.) But, otherwise, it's just best to avoid him. And if he continues to pursue, then you might need to get rude...

  5. Confidence.  If you're not interested, tell him so.  If he continues to pursue you, contact HR or Student Affairs.

  6. You sound like an elitist.

  7. "...but I'm curious why they think this is OK"

    Well, why would it NOT be OK for a man to admire a woman?

    Maybe he is hoping that women are not as shallow and superficial as you obviously are. I guess that he saw too many movies.  He honestly believes that the nice guy gets the princess in spite of being poor and not so attractive. I suppose that the "Shrek" movies were all bogus; no one really cares what you have on the inside if you are ugly and poor.

    If you don't want to hug him, then just tell him straight up that you feel uncomfortable hugging someone who is much older than you, that you don't have a familial relationship with. If he asks why, then tell him straight up that he is too old for you to date.

    Didn't all of your education teach you how to communicate?

    Besides, I have had girls almost half my age hit on me. Do you think that they consider me to be "inferior" because they do? I doubt it.

  8. Why do you think that it somehow makes you "inferior" for a guy to admire, and pursue, you? Girl, you are a real S-N-O-B!!!

    Obviously, he doesn't consider himself to be "unattractive".  That's just you and your opinion.

    And, if he is "uneducated", then he obviously thinks that women expect to be pursued (he hasn't read many psychology or dating advice books).  He obviously doesn't realize that his level of education makes him of a lower "social status" than you, because he probably doesn't realize that such a thing exists (and the moves make people believe that they don't -- love is all that you need).


    Don't worry; as soon as he realizes what a monster you are, he will lose interest.

    And thanks for letting me see the darker side of human nature.  I always suspected that immature women thought like you, but could never prove it until now.

    But he really should date people his own age. Maybe he just never grew up himself, so he is attracted to obviously immature people, as he himself is immature.

  9. Ew.  Sounds like you might be right, there might be some race or even class assumptions at work there.  Clearly he feels encouraged by something, and if it's not your behavior encouraging him, then yes he's probably picking up on some subtle, subconscious cues.  And yes, those cues might be offensive to you if you ever do find out what they are.

  10. Hard to say.

    Perhaps you should try this, "leave me alone or I will call the police."

    There you go, problem solved.

    Maybe he is lonely, afraid of death, wondering where his life went yadayadayada....

    Hard to say really.

  11. He's an old lecher. These men get their thrills out of pursuing women they know they can't get. They seem to delight in making these women uncomfortable and wouldn't know what to do if the women took them up on their offers.

  12. At least the guy has enough balls to pursue women despite his looks. I thought a man with confidence was more important to you women than a man with looks?

    Perhaps I was wrong.

  13. Why not?

    And whats with women thinking that just because they sat through a few lectures at a University and wrote a few term papers to get a degree, that they are now WORTHY of a better type of man? WHEN will women learn that men don't care about how much money they make and how much school they attended. WE... DON'T....CARE.. and never have.

    With that said.... older men pursue younger women for the SAME REASON younger men pursue younger women.

    It's not rocket science... more like 2+2

  14. ignorance, indeed.

  15. he's just a dog.. report him

  16. Optimism.  Hope spring eternal in the human breast.

  17. Ego, s*x drive.

  18. Hormones and attraction. And all those highly potent feminist pheremones you are giving off. Drives men wild

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