
What possesses so called film makers to produce such rubbish as this latest venture?

by  |  earlier

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what was it thinking.





  1. Lack of integrity.

  2. A big paycheck

  3. Hi, they will show any garbage as long as they get a nice fat profit.

  4. i don't watch garbage like this anymore, after watching Flood, which was appalling and yet another  US disaster

    film i have given up. I go to the films to be enlightened, entertained, not this sort of scaremongering

  5. The further garbage shoveling of M Night Shaymalan. Period.

  6. Yeah mass suicide wonderful plot line. Idiots.

  7. Warning do not watch "war of the worlds 2 the next wave" I wasted a lot of my broadband allowance for the month downloading it and I can say I  have never seen such a badly made movie in my life.

  8. Sheer self indulgence.

    One reviewer said "It's like Hitchcock's The Birds - but without any birds, or suspense, or Hitchcock".

  9. It's pure fantasy LB and SciFi-not to be taken seriously-maybe not everyone's cup of tea-but the director has an edge on suspense!

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