
What possible risks are associated with using deodorant during pregnancy?

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What possible risks are associated with using deodorant during pregnancy?




  1. None!  Please don't go without it. :)

  2. Please don't worry about it.  So many people have everyone afraid that this will effect the baby and that will effect the baby.  People like Shyann H who talk about some who say it can cause cancer.  Well what doesn't cause cancer these days?

    Don't worry keep using your deodorant.

  3. Oh well c**p, everything in todays world got to be something we arent supposed to use while pregnant. What about in the olden days when all these little reminders werent. Deodorant aint going to do anything to the kid, besides maybe make it smell a little better (lmao) j/k. Thats like tylenol and stuff. Taking 2 for a headache wont hurt you or baby. but yeah if you take more then that. It would mess with your body even if not pregnant.

  4. It's not deodorant that's the problem, it's the antiperspirant.  Deodorant is what causes you not to stink when you sweat, which is a good thing.  The antiperspirant however has a pore-clogging agent (believe it or not, aluminum) which causes you not to sweat.  The aluminum is the ingredient that has been linked to cancer.  It can be difficult to find women's deodorant that doesn't have antiperspirant in it, you may have to hit a few different stores to find it.  I do know that men's Old Spice is mostly deodorant only if you need something right now.....seems odd, but it would be much better for your baby than using antiperspirant.

    Hope I helped.

  5. Hopefully none...I use it every day....Its been in the 90's here along with humidity, theres no way I could go without it.

  6. As long as your using stick deodorant, there is no problem.  It's the aerosol cans of deodorant that can release fumes.  So as long as it's the stick kind, use it.  Especially since it's hot outside.

  7. i doubt there are any...

  8. Well...Antiperspirant deodorants have been shown to cause cancers caused by aluminum-based compounds that are used as the active ingredient in antiperspirants.  This is a risk if you are pregnant or not.  I use a Rock Crystal type deodorant which does not have the same cancer causing aluminum-based compounds in them as antiperspirant deodorants do.  There are many other brands of same such deodorants you can purchase and use as well that I feel is much more safe regardless if you are pregnant or not!

  9. there arnt any, there used to be some transfere of chemicals years and years ago in to your blood stream, but these dangerous chemicals have now been taken out of the deodorants. if your worried then use pitrock its a crystal rock and ever lasting! there great i use it and its brilliant.

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