
What possiblities are there?

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Im fifteen and i have been with my boyfriend for 10 months now.

We are sexually active but it wasnt rushed or anything and we was both ready.

Well i found out i was pregnant a week ago. I took lots of home tests and the were negetive and positive so i had a blood test thing done. I have spoken to my mum and she understood and was ok with me. I am completely against abortion so i am going to keep it. I was just wondering if there is a possiblity in my school allowing me to take my gcses next year, even if its really obvious? would really like to finish them as i am predicted top grades.

Thanks x




  1. talk to your school...i think by the time your heavaly pregnant they will let you have half days. if you work hard then yes im sure you can pass your exams..if you have the baby before your exams then your parants can look after the baby., while your in school. good luck..i just left school and there was a lot of stress, hope you if you can't you can always resit you exams in college. xx

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