
What potential effects would global warming have on the world? What are some solutions?

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What potential effects would global warming have on the world? What are some solutions?




  1. um global climate change as well as loss of species and habitats. flooding, melting of ice caps, and spread of disease.

  2. Yes global warming dates back millions of years, but that doesnt mean it isnt an important issue today. I would say it is pretty important to believe in something that has the potential to wipe out entire species, including our own. Global warming is not caused by emissions today, but they do contribute to it, not sginificantly though, what matters more is the reason why global warming is happening, we are entering into a new age, calculated by the ancient mayan civilization, who has a more accurate understanding of astronomy than we do. The earth is entering into the age of aquarius, and leaving the long count calendar created by the mayans, they had a long count and short count calenday, very different from our gregorian calendar. I dont know the specifics, but from what I understand the earth is slowly changing its poles, and is lining up with the center of the milky way, which only happens every 26,000 years, this causes a wobble created from the reflection or connection of the poles with the poles and energy fields from the galaxy and other planets that it will be lining up with. This wobble is the cause of global warming, during a certain period surrounding 12/21/2012 the earth will be in this "wobble" and it will create massive natural catastrophes, which have the potential to destroy most of life on earth and create a new beginning for humans and other species to start all over and take what they have learned and head in the right direction(we as humans have been on the wrong ath for quite some time now) we followed capitalism and greed rather than human advancement for the benfit of the human species. Its sort of like a cleansing for the earth that it does every so often, needed for its own survival as a planet, surely if we continue polluting earth the way we are now, we would be destorying the earth, since industrialization began, oxygen levels have been decreasing, this is the main cause for increases in disease. Global warming is very real, and it cant be reversed, it is going to happen whether we cut emissions or not, people should prepare for survival, those that dont will be in the 99% of the worlds population that is going to parish in floods, earthquakes, volcano eruptions, tsunamis and so on, prepare for h**l and a change from this modern world we live in to a primitive way of living, where you live in huts and hunt your food. Good luck, we will all need it.

  3. In order for U to really get the facts then back up and go into past history of the world.  You will find there has ALWAYS been so called global warming.  This is not a new thing it is only another new set of words put out by those who have been doing it for many years in order to confuse and scare the uninformed into an eventual submission for what those who want to CONTROL  the world as a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.  

    Why don't we learn to leave God alone and let HIM continue with HIS work.  I hope we realize this simple fact:  WE CANNOT HELP GOD WITH HIS WORLD we can only assure ourselves of being HIS children and work WITH him for the good of mankind.

    One solution is :kill the sun by loading up 3 million airplanes with bombs and hit the sun.  

    P S.  That makes as much sense as the term "Global Warming"!

  4. As Greeter7 said, humans don't cause global warming.  Global warming dates back millions of years, when the earth's glaciers and ice caps started receding LONG BEFORE HUMANS.

    Read your geology books on the history of the planet.  The Great Lakes were formerly giant ice glaciers.  They finally melted and turned to water.  

    Volcanic activity all around the world, during its early stages, blocked sunlight, causing temperatures to drop significantly.  Then glaciers and formed ice over much the planet, at  the North and Southern parts.  Once the volcanic activity slowed, eventually the clouds allowed sunshine to warm the planet.

    The planet has been having temperature changes every couple of centuries, which today is called Global Warming.

    The US Congress is trying to pass laws, that will commit the people of the USA to spend TRILLIONS of Dollars to fight global warming.  It does not force other nations to do the same, only asks them.  All these Trillions of Dollars, will bankrupt the country.  All because the congress and pending Presidental candidates believe it will make THEM feel good, in the name of global warming.... what a waste

  5. potential effects of global warming;

    more farm land available for planting

    higher crop yields due to longer growing seasons.

    hot women wearing less clothing(haha)

    we would lose some coastal areas due to rising sea levels

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