
What powers the electronics and hydraulics of a small business jet?

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I am curious what powers the basic electronics and hydraulics of a business jet? Is it a battery? Is the engine somehow powering it? Is there an APU unit and so on...




  1. Good answer from Coffeebuff.  Jet engines have generators (alternators) and accessory pumps, just like your car engine.

  2. it the the blades in the engine

  3. Most small business jets have an engine driven hydraulic pump and generator on each side.  Some larger business jets also have an APU.

    Jet engines have what's called an "accessory section".  This is separate from the main rotational section of the engine.  There is a shaft coming from the main part of the engine to turn all of the "extra" stuff that isn't related to producing thrust.  This includes the generator, hydraulic pump, fuel pump, oil pump, and so on.

  4. No it is not the battery. A battery cannot generate enough power for any amount of time.

    generally on all Aircraft a internal or external engine is used to power hydraulics and electrical systems.

    There are different methods but internally an IPP or Internal Power pack can be used and externally you can get the power from a an AGPU, or some other ground unit that usually has a small rotary engine of its own. It just depends on the support equipment being used.

  5. I have seen a small jet engine and it has also an engine driven pump so this one pressurizes the hydraulic. As for IDG or generator that I am not sure if it has which if it has then electrical power is supplied. HS-125, or Gulfstream they all have APU for ground powering.

  6. Yes good answer Coffeebuff.

    I'd like to add that on smaller business aircraft the generator that is used to power the aircraft also dubs as the starter.  They simply are called starter-generators.  Pretty neat if you ask me.  

    Most of the small business jets do not incorporate APU's.  Rather they use batterys to start the engine so they don't require ground power unless they run out of juice in the batteries.

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