
What precautions should a student couple make before moving to Guatemala?

by  |  earlier

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Any advice, stories, anything appreciated!!!




  1. Welcome to my country, and let me tell you that I lived my whole life here, and although there are always bad news in the newspapers, you just have to avoid the dangerous places, you will be safe, and the Guatemalan is generally very kind with the foreigners.

  2. get all your shots I guess. . .jungle fever. . .tetanos and what not

  3. well, guatemala is a beautiful country! im as well moving there in january to go study there, but i have family there. make sure u have a job, and know wat ure doin just be careful, make sure you dont go to bad parts depending on where ure living? if ure living in the city ( like me ) u have to be more careful!! its a beautiful place and im sure u'll succeded!! good luck with everything! i would like to know on ure updates so email me

  4. yah i love guatemala!

    ok be sure you dont wear like fancy jewlery while going places.. like if your walking down the street to go some where.

    be careful with dogs also..

    and creepy men..

    be atentive.. just liek you would here..

    oh and dont ride the busses..

    be careful in the capitol market too..

    thats it

    have fun and enjoy

  5. Why are you moving here?  Make sure you have a job.  I'm assuming you must since you plan to move here.  Otherwise, as an American couple you will work as bartenders in Mono Loco, as volunteers making a stipend or as volunteer coordinators.

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