
What precautions should you take when working on the battery?

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What precautions should you take when working on the battery?




  1. precautions we should take are: 1) never take a live flame near to the battery as it  can make the battrey explode.

    2) always keep ur hands & eyes safe while putting the acid in

    the battery

    3) and always take of both the terminals out of the battery and

    keep them separate as the (+ )and the (- ) if  came together can cause a shortcircuit on the same.

  2. You have to be reminded of the following when handling and working on the battery :

    1. Battery chemicals contain acid that easily burn and destroy clothing material, so always wear appropriate clothing when handling them.

    2. Use face mask to protect your whole face from accidental splash from this solution. They are very corrosive and a health hazard.

    3. Always work on a ventilated space wherein  you do not easily inhale the fumes produced.

    4. Practice safety at all times.

  3. yeah ... and long sleeves and pants

    my step dad had the same thing happen to him and battery acid covered one whole side of him

  4. • Wear ANSI* approved safety glasses or goggles and a face shield.

    • Wear proper clothing to protect your face, hands and body.

    • Make sure work area is well-ventilated.

    • Never lean over battery while boosting, testing or charging.

    • Cigarettes, flames or sparks could cause a battery to explode. Keep all ignition sources away from the battery.

    • Always shield eyes and face from battery.

    • Do not charge or use booster cables or adjust post connections without proper instructions and training.


    • In event of accident, flush with water and call a physician immediately.

  5. Wear goggles.  One of my batteries actually exploded on me.

    Good Luck...

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