
What predators does the earthworm have?

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looking for a list of earthworms predators




  1. a shovel , dogs claws , and fish hooks........

  2. Small mouth bass sure like them.

  3. Birds, frogs, moles, probably various beetles.

  4. Robins, especially love em

  5. birds ?

  6. Birds


    burrowing animals like moles

  7. dirty rotten little kids that like to eat them and put them down their pants. An your mom, that's mos def.

  8. the bird from getting eated and the human grab then mostly 4 fish

  9. Robins for sure.  I see them all summer and after a rain storm eating them.

    People can be considered a predator since we use them for fishing or for grossing out 7 year old girls.  (My nephew)

  10. robins,starlings,crows,sea gulls,skunks,raccoons,moles   ,voles    ,toads    ,frogs ,    cluster flies will lay their eggs on them and their larvae will burrow into them and feed on them from the inside,people will use them for fishing

  11. Me

  12. The rototiller and spade.

  13. Natural or incidental

    Man kills billions by plowing the fields and some that are used for fish bait

    Moles ,birds ,

    Some species of ants,scorpions,Millipedes

    and various other large insects ,

    Raccoons ,armadillos ,groundhogs(gophers),chipmunks,Monkees

    I have even seen dogs come to eat the worms at our worm cultures

    And again Man, in Mexico city they are used to make biscuits or deep fried

    In Asia they also eat worms

    Worms have a lot of protein and are the food of many creatures

  14. Birds and moles.

  15. Robins (the bird)

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