
What prevents unions from bargaining for the highest possible wages?

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What prevents unions from bargaining for the highest possible wages?




  1. Unions no longer bargain for the highest possible wages or benefits, they are bargaining for their lives today.  Wages & benefits are being reduced in most of today's industrialized nations. Corporations have the upper hand due to globalization & the ability to relocate, outsource or import cheaper labor.  Beginning about 1980 the word "union" became a pseudonym for "reduced production & increased expenses" therefore Union busting has become the battle cry for most corporations. Some Corporations have resorted to declaring bankruptcy or surrendering to a takeover bid to rid themselves of unions or raid the retirement fund.

  2. Corporate special interests

  3. Unions do bargain for the highest possible wages. Employers bargain for the lowest possible wages. Usually they meet somewhere in the middle.

  4. Full Employment

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