
What price Mars and the rest - Earth itself?

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Climate change - population growth - are photos of Mars any solution - or is space migration a fantasy avoiding the real issues?




  1. Man will never migrate off of this planet except in SiFi movies.

    Population growth isn't a problem as the current population can have 5 acres of land per person, and climate change is just the latest Y2K scare that will be long forgotten about in a few years.

  2. Knowing and understanding more about other planets can help us understand what is happening on our planet, aka climate change and volcanic shutdown. Space exploration is essential to answering some pretty heavy hitting questions here on Earth.

  3. Possible future, but distant if anything...

  4. Yes.

    Who gets the 5 acres in Siberia, the Sahara, Death Valley, in the Transantarctic Mountains...

  5. Your question is very timely.  The USA is exploring Mars to determine whether life existed there millions (billions) of years ago.  I frankly do not care one way or another but I am concerned about the money that the USA is spending on NASA and its various programs.  We cannot afford such non immediate essential programs at this time.  The USA owes many trillions and Bush will undoubtedly add more to the total. We require money for our nation's poor, education, research to replace fossil fuel and on and on.  We cannot worry about whether there was life on Mars or future space migration.  We must address the problems that face us now in this country and around the world. I love science and I am a proponent of scientific discovery but I am not concerned with what was on Mars in its ancient history.

  6. i like pie?

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