
What price are cigarettes in Sardinia?.?

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What price are cigarettes in Sardinia?.?




  1. Price is the same all over Italy.

    It depends on the brand. these are a few prices (box of 20 pcs)

    Italian National cigarettes  Ã¢Â‚¬ 3,40

    Pall Mall red     € 3,40

    Lucky Strike Red  Ã¢Â‚¬ 3,60

    Marlboro 100's    Ã¢Â‚¬ 4,15

    Marlboro Gold 100's € 4,15

    However I send you the link (in Italian) with all the brands.

  2. Ma che cavolo di domanda è?? Come in tutto il resto d'Italia, come in Europa, al massimo qualche centesimo di euro in più

  3. the same of the other part in italy!winston 3,40 euro marlboro 4e15 ecc..

  4. Marlboro are around 4.15 €  but I must told you that the price will be higher very soon (I heard will reach 5€) ... it's a politic way  to make people stop smoking

  5. Just to have an idea: "red Marlboro" = Euro 4'15

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