
What price are you paying for gas right now and where do you live?

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I live in CT and am currently paying 4.41 a gallon. Spending over 60 dollars to fill a tank is getting ridiculous! What about you? Also, what do you see happening to the US if prices were to increase to 8 or 10 dollars? Thanks for answering in advance!




  1. Cleveland, OH - $3.99 for regular

  2. I just paid $4.39 a gallon for regular unleaded in Seattle,WA took me $73 to fill my full size car. I've started using the bus on alternate days to save money.

  3. If you're interested in seeing gas prices, there are several web pages dedicated to just that information, a much better resource than asking here. is one of many.

  4. Its all the same except for NY or NJ which ive heard is 6$

  5. The price of gas is changing daily, but last week I paid $3.63 in Midland Park New Jersey. This week I'll be lucky to get it for $3.89.

    Since I'm retired, I can drive less, which I have been doing and I'm spending the same amount on my car as I was before the gas hike.

    Because of the typical American inability to plan long term, we're screwed. In London a driver is paying $10 a gallon, BUT, England has a much better mass transit system than in the States so the people are doing better with the high prices. Europe is also far better prepared to meet the high cost of fuel.

    Brazil may be the best prepared of all the countries. They make ethynol from sugar which is far cheaper to do than making it from corn and it's production effects the food market less because sugar is a non-essential, and some may say unessential, food product.

    Brazil has also converted their engines so that they can run on just about anything. Incidentally, plans that allow your car to run on gas and water are also available in the States and the conversion process is supposedly cheap to do.

    I think I must mention one other thing before I sign off. I have a theory that goes like this; people only get what they deserve.

    America has managed to squander the greatest fortune in the history of mankind in 63 years, or since the end of the 2nd World War. We've done this by listening to our "experts" and "leaders" even when their counsel defied common sense.

    For example: we fell hook, line and sinker for their proclamation that "greed was good" and spent our money on freakishly large houses, shoes and clothes that we'd need three lifetimes to wear, bought into new technologies before determining whether they had a negative and expensive impact our health, rode around in gas-guzzlers instead of fuel-efficient and less s**y cars, bragged about being number one so much that the world began to hate our guts, opened our doors to every Tom, d**k and Mary, not to mention potential terrorist, to come over and rape our economy instead of protecting it as the treasure it truly was, and allowed our academic community to price the average American student into bankruptcy while providing free education to those potential terrorists I've already alluded to.  

    Unfortunately, we still haven't woken up. Old white men think McCain is going to make a difference while young whites, blacks and women think Obama will create change. The sad fact is McCain isn't going to make a difference and Obama isn't going to change anything because they can't and, even they could, they're not inclined to do so. Both are company men, bought and paid for.

    And incidentally, the price of oil has little to do with America anymore because "the land of the free" has given away its power to the next rulers of the world, the Far Eastern nations of India, China and Japan. Our faithless business leaders have already transferred their wealth to these nations and for some insane reason think the Chinese, Indians and Japanese are going to allow the "hairy apes" (Chinese for Europeans) to keep it.

    Like I said, people only get what they deserve in life and I'm at the point that I can't even feel sorry for myself.

    Get smart, agent 85, and find out for yourself why they can't. If you're like the average rape me again 'cause it feels so good American doubt if you're prepared to accept the fact that our two party system is really a one party system that merely attacks you, the voter, from two different sides; sort of a good cop, bad cop routine that they've been playing on the voter since the 1920s.

    If you don't believe me use your common sense, an open mind, a little independent research, and avoid establishment advice and thinking at all costs. And good luck in the future, we'll all need it.

  6. 3.80 in Lyons, CO

  7. Kansas - $4.00

  8. i live in philadelphia, pennsylvania and paid $4.09 the other day for regular.

  9. $3.87 for regular at Quick Check, I live in Western NJ a mile from the Delaware River.

  10. Tampa, Fl      3.99 a gal

  11. I live in St Petersburg, FL and gas here is currently 3.99/gal.

  12. I live in CT also, on the shoreline and the gas here is between $4.39 to $4.49 depending where you go. What I don't understand, and I know this maybe was before some people here were driving, was that we went thru a similar problem with gas back in the 70's but instead of the gas getting to these ridicules prices, it went up about 10cents a gallon then they had it where it went by your number on your license plate and that certain numbers could only get gas on even number days and the others got gas on odd number days. Yes, you do need to calculate right to make sure you didn't run out before you could get gas but it did keep the prices down. Why it wasn't done this way this time, I don't know. All I know is someone out there is getting very rich off our hard earned dollars and I don't see it changing any time soon.

  13. I wish gas was that cheap in Australia!!!

    We are paying $1.99 a litre ($7.56 a gallon) in some urban areas, and $1.79 / litre ($6.80 / gallon) in the big cities like Melbourne and Sydney.

  14. I pay 3.89 in texas

  15. Try paying £1.30 per LITRE (!!!)  for diesel, and that's one of the cheaper ones in the UK.  1 gallon = 4.54 litres, and at current exchange rates that works out at about $11.66 a gallon!!!!

    Petrol is currently running at about £1.17 a litre, which converts to about $10.49 a gallon

    It's going up at a rate of about 1p per litre a week.

    I'm moving to the states!!!

  16. I'm in Virginia and am paying 3.91 a gallon.

  17. ca 4.99

  18. ND: $3.79

  19. southern california 4.49


  20. 3.90...SW Virginia

  21. $3.94 here in Albany, GA--IT JUST WENT DOWN  A PENNY--WOO HOO!!!

    It's been my experience here that they will lower the price a few cents and then jack them up 10 cents or more a few days later.

    I think that if gas gets to $8-10 or more that there will be a lot of people riding bikes, walking, etc. If gas gets much higher I don't think the economy will be able to withstand it and $8-10 will absolutely kill it.

    I believe we have the technology out there to get off of oil but the big oil companies and auto industry keep it from being used.

  22. 4.09

  23. Pittsburgh PA $4.05 gal. for regular gas now if you belong to the clubs (Costco, Sam's, ex) $3.95 gal. regular.

  24. South Bend, INdiana...4.19

  25. I live in the state of washington and prices were at $4.69 yesterday. I'm convinced we have some of the most expensive gas in the country. I already see people biking everywhere. I thinkwhen prices reach 8-10, people will start domestic drilling. Some people will not be able to afford to drive anymore and we will flock to the public transit.

    In my opinion the best solution to high gas prices is better public transportation and more high speed trains. This will drastically decrease demand forcing gas prices down. There should be government subsidies on public transport to make it more affordable. A lower national speed limit (60mph) and a mandate for automobile companies to only produce cars with good mpg, around 30 highway or so.

  26. I live in washington state and right now I'm paying $4.99/gal. I accept this price because there's nothing I can do about it. Nor do I believe that there's anyone who can change it only time can tell. So  stop stressing or your skin will discolorate--learn to accept the things you can't change and change those things you can. And know the difference. So today my advice to you all is to adopt the serenity prayer as your personal motto; learn how to adapt like amibas.

  27. GA  $3.97 a gallon

    When will it end?

  28. Check this out and find prices anywhere in the US or Canada:

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