
What price should a silver arowana be?

by  |  earlier

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i have 2 4 year old,16" silver arowanas and there getting alittle to big for the tank and everyone is always asking me to sell then so i thought i should make alittle extra money before they get to old or they kill each other but i dont know what price i shoud set them for since when we first bought them at 5 inches they were $70 each

any answer is thanked




  1. 160 is good because people want big fish but it all so means the fish is old so 160 is good

  2. I am currently searching for two 5" silver aro's and the going price for the pair from a reputable dealer is 36$ u.s. plus the enourmous shipping fee of course but you could always check out to get an idea...

  3. Well. if you REALLY want to sell those beauts, ur price should definitely be over 125$ EACH, depending on if someone would buy them, but you can definitely make some nice cash from them, Good luck with the selling :)

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