
What price will gas have to before our society crumbles?

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When will the protests and riots begin?

Analyst Predicts $7 Gas by 2010

CBS News

Posted: 2008-06-27 11:34:03

Filed Under: Crude Oil Prices, Money

(June 27) -- A new energy report predicts $200-a-barrel oil in as short a time as two years. If that happens, gas would likely go up to $7 a gallon - and that would have an enormous impact on the way Americans live.




  1. It won't reach $7. The d**n analysts work for speculators who sell futures for high prices. Supply and demand is alive and well. If it reaches $7, then, people will drive much less, buy less products, spend less on leisure outside home..etc If that happens in the US, its affect will spread to the rest of the world creating a recession and curbing the demand for oil, as a result the price will go back to $2 or $3. Two Words: Business Cycle!

  2. I was in Hong Kong in late March 2008, and our tour guide told us that it's about $8 USD per gallon of gas there.  Their society wasn't crumbling, but there was a lot of red cab usage instead.

  3. Has it ever occurred to you tha twe don't need the gas?

    Stop and think.  First, electric cars can outperform gs cars now--and the technology to mass produce them is available.  We have the option of mass transit to ease congestion and reduce fulel consumption. Advanced solar, wind, andnuclear energy.

    All of it sitting on the shelf--a whole array of 21st century technology going unused while ignorant nitwits whine about a technology like burning oil that was invented back in the 11800s.


    But don't worry--the investment and the brains and the push to replace gasoline is well underway--so someone is going to save your a**  for you.  You could at least bother to find out what's going on instead of whining while other s do the work of fixing the problem.

  4. How pessimistic you are!  Americans are nothing if not adaptable.  It's a large part of how this country became what it is in just 200 years.

    If all the gas stopped flowing tomorrow, there would be widescale disruption for a while.  There would be a few riots, but really - where do you riot?  DC?  They don't produce the fuel.  Texas or ANWR?  Too danged hot/cold for rioting.  And when the rioting is over, there would still be no fuel, so there's all that effort wasted AND downtown is on fire.  Oops.

      Within a year, a good working infrastructure would already be in place to keep everyone going back and forth as necessary.  People would travel less, but America would go on.  Society in this country is built on much, much more than mere gasoline.

  5. I'm sure global warming will kill us all before gas prices do.  THIS IS A JOKE.

  6. its well on the way now..Id say 6 a gallon before we implode

  7. gas prices have already had a damaging effect on americans. so many people aren't even visiting family on holidays because of it. very sad

  8. More like at what price will gas have to get to before corporations finally start making cars that are far less dependent on oil.  The OPEC nations, especially in the middle east, are playing with fire, because in many cases oil is their only resource.  If we all of a sudden hardly need it, they're screwed.

  9. Getting close.

  10. We are to great a nation to be destroyed simply by the price of gas. We have survived far worse, and will adapt and find a way through this as well.

  11. I have no doubt that gas will reach that high. Before that happens when we are paying 6 or so we will most deffinetly see alot of alternate engergy vehicles. I my self have switched to a go ped that gets 90 miles a gallon and i only pay 1.30 to fill it up when i have to pay 1.25 for a bus fare. so i get arround much cheaper and more people arround my town have already sold their cars and switched to motorcycles or mo-peds

  12. Well, if President Bush would rescind the order his father signed and allow offshore drilling, that would change the game the speculators play.  They're betting on the USA never drilling any new wells and forbiding new exploration.

  13. actually society will not crumble but will be closer because of mass transit, we will see more people everyday and get along so the gas is taking our independence away from us


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