
What price would a original rock tour t shirt from the 1980s as used?

by  |  earlier

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i have got 55 origanal rock tour t shirts from 1980s to 1990s in good condition how much would they be each




  1. Like others said-it does depend on the bands & tours etc. Some can go for £100's on ebay. Post some examples & I will let you know as I have a fair amount of knowledge on this (for certain bands anyway). One tip I would say is to sell them seperately as you will get more that way, even if it does take longer to put up.

  2. What bands are they?

    Are the shirts rare?

    The rarer they are,the more you'll get.

    Also the band have to be popular and their merch well sought after.

  3. depends on the band and any controversy surrounded them at the time,you should repost some examples mate.

  4. put them on ebay and see what you get,if you dont think what people are bidding is high enough put a reserve on em.

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