
What price would you pay to know the truth?

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What would you give up, sacrifice or pay to know truth behind? Roswell, JFK, Watergate, Philadelphia Exp. Anything our government supposedly has top-secret?




  1. Who's "truth"?

    Our minds are pretty good at distorting reality to compensate for the unknown/unacceptable.

    Cordelia Fine's new book, "the Matrix of the Brain" discusses the selectivity that goes on in our minds. Pretty interesting stuff.

    I guess just how our mind works (to better understand how we view "reality") would be something pretty important to me, but until faced with the possibility of attaining any "great" knowlegde, I don't think anyone can honestly know how much they would sacrifice.

    It's one thing to say you'd act a certain way, quite another when the time comes...

  2. What if the truth is what we already know?Would the price have been worth it?

  3. The truth about these things should be free.

  4. nothing...some things are better left unsaid.

  5. The price I would pay is telling people that truth? It seems thats what the religious do, so its probably the same with other things.

    Realistically, I wouldn't give anything. I prefer to learn and discover things instead of being handed things.

  6. The truth always comes out sooner or later. Patience is the only price you need to pay for it.

  7. I would give up coffee for a day to find out the truth behind JFK.

  8. Zero. The truth always comes free sooner or later. ..

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