
What price your life?

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How many people's lives would you have to save (say, in a hostage situation, for example) to be prepared to give up your only life?




  1. I would try my best to save as many as I could from their death.  However, when the pressure is on, I don't know if I could give my life for a complete strangers.  I would like to say that I would but to be honest I don't know if I really could.  If it was my wife or another family member then I would trade places with them without a doubt.

  2. I would never give up my life for a stranger, no matter how many. Be it even a million or a billion, I'd let them die before me. That's not to say I wouldn't possibly risk my life to save them, but I would never surrender it proper.

  3. It is too easy to say I would give up on my life, but when the frighting moment comes, you will most probably be frozen like ice. I am not sure if I could.

  4. thats always a question that guarantees a lot of thought...only one if either my:


    either one of my children

    someone with more promise than myself or more beneficial to the world....

    other than all or elderly, i wouldnt

    if middle- aged id probably do it for five.

    if younger and a good person....3.

  5. none id rather die a hero saving the lives of others then die a coward letting people die for me!

    miss read the question i thought it said how many ppl would i let die in order for me to live :S

    I would give up me own life for my husband, child (when its born), parents and brother. but in a hostage situation if i knew me dying would save the lives of others id give up my life to save those people no matter how many, rather to die a hero then a coward

  6. One--either my boyfriends or my mom's. As for strangers, probably over 5 (I know it's such a random number... but I would want to know there was a decent chance some of them may do something good with their life).

  7. the question is really the answer. if you only save 1 life, then your life has had meaning.

  8. My life:  ÃƒÂ‚£4.80

    It depends who the other hostages were.

    If I felt loyalty or affinity towards them, then I might gladly lay down my life that even one of them could survive.  If they expressed an enjoyment of "reality" television then they can all perish, at my hand if necessary.

  9. One. I would give mine up for an animal or a person.  

  10. if its possible i would save at least 1person if i knew there about to die and if i could prevent their death with my own life then i would give up my own life for the person to live
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