
What prisons in Mexico are Scott Campbell and Lucy Baker serving their sentences??

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I would really like to find out so I can research their addresses and write them some letters. I just watched the touching story of how they were duped and are now serving 10 years a piece in Mexican prisons. I feel a little correspondence with someone would help brighten their days. Thanks for the help.




  1. Guest59437

     Maybe some of these rude commenters should ROT IN h**l! f**k all of you sitting behind your computer at home bad asses...I get so sick of hateful f***s....And its funny how the ones being so f*****g hateful probably lives in mommys basement still sheltered and never experienced life....THATS RIGHT f**k YOU HATER TWATS....Thats off my chest now...I really like Lucy because she knows how to be strong in this situation wich is more then I can say for the t**t above me saying they feel sorry for him but hates Lucy...People f**k up thats part of life...wether its gossiping and mean comments like you fuckheads or someone smuggling drugs cause the money looks good....End of rant...once again a******s f**k OFF.

  2. Guest57607

     I feel bad for Scott I really do. But Lucy should just rot in her cell, after watching the banged up abroad episode it seemed to me she had absolutely ZERO remorse, was basically making a joke out of everything and couldn't stop saying 'man' or 'proper' like she was some hard f*****g gangster. Nah lucy, you got caught trafficking drugs, dont act like a f*****g c**t. ARGH this episode wound me up SO much. I absolutely hated her, bad attitude and boastful behaviour, I hope she's given longer time  

  3. Guest57018

    so many r****d comments here without care

  4. Guest32777

    instead of a letter....mail them a bag of s##t.......they deserve it.....

  5. Guest32777

     they were scumbag a******s.....deserved jail time......

  6. Guest21453

     I should not have called them scuz, that is not right. I don't know them. I just don't know why any one would risk all their life ten yrs in a foreign prison, because of irresponsibility. No one is perfect, but Really? What hey did was nuts!  Ten yrs gone. They, in my opinion, we're not naive  they knew exactly what they were doing  I mean, who flips a coin to decide their fate!  I just don't have sympathy for that kind of action  those two knew what they were getting in too sad, very sad    Oh well, I have said my feelings  I just don't understand why anyone would risk, unless they were really in to drugs, which I am leaning that way  otherwise, why would anyone take such a chance?




  7. Guest21453

     Wow, just stupid people. I don't get why they would be so irresponsible. I mean, you always need to have a way back home  not spend everything, so that you have to resort to drug smuggling. Serves them right. I mean, be responsible, not play your w hole life. Disgusting. I mean to have to do w hat they did for life or death, but they blew their money and their way home. I hope they enjoyed the ten years. Don't feel sorry for those idiots at all.    MAN!  Low class scuz

  8. I can't believe how naive those two were!  To think that they thought that they could get away with such a thing!  And to give copies of their passports and their home addresses to the drug dealers!  Talk about desperation!  Well, by going on TV and sharing with others what happened to them, hopefully others will learn from their mistake!

  9.  They must be the dumbist pepole ever,why the h**l would drug dealers wanna smuggel weed into the Dam when its legal and grown  there and supplyd on demand  lol come on i think they new what they was gunna be bringing back the whole thing they can do is ride it lol Lucy is annoying MAN but haveing said that ide have to smash her gash in if i was a prison officer and give her a belly full of arms an legs,,,Against her will as well.....,

  10. Just ask the people who are hooked on crack (yes its made from cocaine after import), ask the children with broken lives, ask the pensioners who have been robbed, ask the women walking the streets. Hundreds of thousands of ruined lives. I would have given them 30years and thats only because Mexican prisons are harsh and Im in a good mood. I would have directed my letter to the judge give him a verbal lashing.



  11. Estan presos en el Reclusorio Preventivo Varonil Norte, Lucy ya esta en Inglaterra

  12. So glad to hear they're back in the UK and that Lucy has a child (hopefully to Scott, and that it doesn't pop put with a handlebar moustache). Yes, they screwed up...but at the end of the day, all they did was transport a naturally occurring mind altering substance over man-made lines on a map, not evil, not deserving of taking a huge chunk of their lives away. They look to me like two people who will make it through and be better for it...I envisage good times when they gain their freedom.

    As for the prick casting judgement because they were young and wanted to party for a few years - obviously some bitter fool who hates his/her job and wants everyone else to be miserable. Well get this, sucker, I never worked a day in my life until I was 40...and I travelled and partied pretty much from leaving school to being in my late thirties. I hustled my way through and had a brilliant time of it. Now I work at a job I absolutely love. Also, I smuggled drugs three times and never got caught (I acted bold as brass in front of customs officials and pulled tongues at the cameras - under the assumption they wouldn't suspect someone so brazen as a worked on all 3 occasions...I never even got searched once). So stick that in your disgusted Daily Mail reading pipe and smoke it!

  13. They should have known better when they were asked to smuggle weed into Amsterdam.  Weed is pretty much legal there, why would anyone risk that?  They should have known that they would been given something else.  

    I hope they get out soon though, cause drug use shouldn't even be illegal anywhere.  Legalizing drugs and taking out the criminal element would make it a MUCH worse problem.

  14. I am concerned about all you judges. Unpleasant people. Wonder why you bother to write all that s**t. If you don´t care, shut up. If you care, then do so. I think it is a nice thought of everyone who wants to write someone. Maybe it makes a difference, maybe not. Either way it is a nice thing to do. And all you bitter people - try to be nice. maybe you´ll like it.

  15. Guest18053204, if you are so concerned and supportive of the friends and family of the two drug smugglers, then you should know the correct names.  It's Lucy, not Linda.  I agree with Guests 18038137 and 11389225.  Lucy seems particularly shallow and unrepentant, and appears to have learned nothing from the events that led to her incarceration.  Banged Up Abroad also conveniently gave the impression that they were segregated with no idea of what was happening to each other.

  16. I'm just wondering, Guest18053204, why did you write G-D instead of GOD?  Is GOD a bad word???

  17. Guest18038137
    You are a douche bag!.
    They may have made a stupid decision but they are human and should have had the right to a trial,representation, and sanitary conditions. It's really nice and comfortable for a moron like you with your Miss Piggy profile pic to sit here and run your mouth. I'm not a friend of these two individuals, but i know their friends and family are on this blog. Have some respect! When I saw the program, I saw a genuine couple who made a mistake. They just made a mistake. They are not criminals, they are not evil. They just made a mistake. They are most likeley good people from good homes.

    As for you Miss piggy. I hope one or all of you children head down a path of crime and leave you sitting on the other end of the plexi glass.
    G-D speed to Linda and Scott.

  18. Guest18038137
    You are a douche bag!.
    They may have made a stupid decision but they are human and should have had the right to a trial,representation, and sanitary conditions. It's really nice and comfortable for a moron like you with your Miss Piggy profile pic to sit here and run your mouth. I'm not a friend of these two individuals, but i know their friends and family are on this blog. Have some respect! When I saw the program, I saw a genuine couple who made a mistake. They just made a mistake. They are not criminals, they are not evil. They just made a mistake. They are most likeley good people from good homes.

    As for you Miss piggy. I hope one or all of you children head down a path of crime and leave you sitting on the other end of the plexi glass.
    G-D speed to Linda and Scott.

  19. Guest18038137

  20. I think that both Scott and Lucy got exactly what they deserve! Come on all you bleeding hearts,think about it.  Here you have 2 people that really want to do nothing other than to party, & have no responsibility in life(little bit lazy Nes pas!). Give me a break!  They squander all their cash on booze,smokes and whatever else they wanted. Both then live in  a hostel trying to find menial jobs in Amsterdam to go back and repeat their lifestyle. So then they are approached by a shady character in the bar to go back to Costa Rica and smuggle some dope out of the country(Ding Ding the bell should have really been ringing here). Of course they are offered a 2 week all expense paid trip in exchange for the smuggling dope caper. Well low and behold a chance to make $10,000 Euro's and fuel their lazy non responsible can just feel gears turning! Well don't these two knuckleheads go for it and you guessed it get caught! (what a surprise!) Now they are serving a well earned 10 years in the Mexican prison for their greed and utter stupidity...nice going! Just a classic example of people trying to get through the easy way. Well here's a news flash...You can't have your cake and eat it too!! Anyhow a little hard love will help them in life. I hope they do the whole 10 years.

  21. hi, Lucy is currently at HMP East Sutton Park in Maidstone - she had until September next year to serve.  Her and Scott were repatriated over a year ago and have a son who is now 1 (you get conjucal visits in Mexico and Lucy was 3 months pregnant when she returned to the UK (Holloway) after serving 4 years in Mexico - Scott went to a Scottish prison about 6 months later).   Scott is in prison in Scotland and is due for parole in September.   I am a friend of theirs so this is the correct information.

  22. re Guest16822443

    It appears that you are the idiot.  The two Brits were asked to smuggle drugs - Guest16770853 was obviously inferring that the people doing the asking would maybe be able to grow the drugs, not the two Brits.

    Regarding their stupidity, weren't they to be given 5 grand each plus a two weeks holiday all inc. for their part?  Surely that's worth more than 2.5kg of dope?  You'd have to be incredibly stupid, or a liar, to try to use that as a defence.

  23. How long did they each have to serve?

  24. Why on earth would you want to write to them? They both knew what they were getting into.... how could you believe that someone in Amsterdam wanted you to pick up 2.5kgs of Marijuana in the Costa Rica when they can quite easily grow it themselves in Holland? They both came across as idiots on the documentary, both seemed unrepentant and honestly, they seem like they'd do it again. They deserve it. Couple of idiots.

  25. Hey Guest11389225
    How do you know that??? Is there any source that I can prove that news about Lucy and Scott??????

  26. I know Scott also and he was always dealing in drugs before this happened, and still to this day! He knew what he was doing. You do the crime you do the time!!

  27. I know scott personally and know exactly what happened so i hate people you critcise and who judge. Dont say stuff if you dont even know what your talking about.

  28. They got what they deserved and that is the harsh truth

  29. I served a year with Scott in Mexico City while fighting extridition in 2003-2004. The BBC did a story on Scott and Lucy while I was bunking with Scott. I am glad they are out of that h**l hole. Even though they saw each other 3-4 days a week and had intimate visits every Mon and Tues they lived for the drugs there as that was the only escape. Time to face reality! It is a 10-12 year sentence even if you pled guilty in Mexico regardless of your nationality. Your embassy can't help you other then eventually getting you transfered back to your home country to serve out the sentence and you will serve out the entire sentence due to the treaty agreement for sentence transfers.

  30. They are not in mexico anymore, Lucy came back to the UK last year and gave birth to a boy this march and scott came back this february and is up in a scottich jail waiting for parole.  Lucy is in Holloway waiting to be transferred to Askham Grange.  I served time with the girl and she is a total t**t!!!! i would'nt even wate the pen or paper on her......

  31. Lucy is being held at Centro Femenil Santa Martha in Mexico City.

    Scott:  Reclusorio Varonil Norte, near Mexico City

    Source:  Banged Up Abroad TV show

    You are on your own as far as finding an address.   This site may be of some help.

  32. I also would like to write to them. I watched this show and my heart just went out to this couple. if anyone gets this info please let me know. thanks.

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