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I would really like to find out so I can research their addresses and write them some letters. I just watched the touching story of how they were duped and are now serving 10 years a piece in Mexican prisons. I feel a little correspondence with someone would help brighten their days. Thanks for the help.
Maybe some of these rude commenters should ROT IN h**l! f**k all of you sitting behind your computer at home bad asses...I get so sick of hateful f***s....And its funny how the ones being so f*****g hateful probably lives in mommys basement still sheltered and never experienced life....THATS RIGHT f**k YOU HATER TWATS....Thats off my chest now...I really like Lucy because she knows how to be strong in this situation wich is more then I can say for the t**t above me saying they feel sorry for him but hates Lucy...People f**k up thats part of life...wether its gossiping and mean comments like you fuckheads or someone smuggling drugs cause the money looks good....End of rant...once again a******s f**k OFF.
Report (1) (2) | 7 years, 4 month(s) ago
I feel bad for Scott I really do. But Lucy should just rot in her cell, after watching the banged up abroad episode it seemed to me she had absolutely ZERO remorse, was basically making a joke out of everything and couldn't stop saying 'man' or 'proper' like she was some hard f*****g gangster. Nah lucy, you got caught trafficking drugs, dont act like a f*****g c**t. ARGH this episode wound me up SO much. I absolutely hated her, bad attitude and boastful behaviour, I hope she's given longer time
Report (3) (4) | 8 years, 1 month(s) ago
so many r****d comments here without care
Report (3) (0) | 8 years, 3 month(s) ago
instead of a letter....mail them a bag of s##t.......they deserve it.....
Report (1) (4) | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago
they were scumbag a******s.....deserved jail time......
Report (1) (2) | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago
I should not have called them scuz, that is not right. I don't know them. I just don't know why any one would risk all their life ten yrs in a foreign prison, because of irresponsibility. No one is perfect, but Really? What hey did was nuts! Ten yrs gone. They, in my opinion, we're not naive they knew exactly what they were doing I mean, who flips a coin to decide their fate! I just don't have sympathy for that kind of action those two knew what they were getting in too sad, very sad Oh well, I have said my feelings I just don't understand why anyone would risk, unless they were really in to drugs, which I am leaning that way otherwise, why would anyone take such a chance?
Report (1) (1) | 9 years, 9 month(s) ago
Wow, just stupid people. I don't get why they would be so irresponsible. I mean, you always need to have a way back home not spend everything, so that you have to resort to drug smuggling. Serves them right. I mean, be responsible, not play your w hole life. Disgusting. I mean to have to do w hat they did for life or death, but they blew their money and their way home. I hope they enjoyed the ten years. Don't feel sorry for those idiots at all. MAN! Low class scuz
Report (1) (2) | 9 years, 9 month(s) ago
I can't believe how naive those two were! To think that they thought that they could get away with such a thing! And to give copies of their passports and their home addresses to the drug dealers! Talk about desperation! Well, by going on TV and sharing with others what happened to them, hopefully others will learn from their mistake!
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They must be the dumbist pepole ever,why the h**l would drug dealers wanna smuggel weed into the Dam when its legal and grown there and supplyd on demand lol come on i think they new what they was gunna be bringing back the whole time....best thing they can do is ride it lol Lucy is annoying MAN but haveing said that ide have to smash her gash in if i was a prison officer and give her a belly full of arms an legs,,,Against her will as well.....,
Just ask the people who are hooked on crack (yes its made from cocaine after import), ask the children with broken lives, ask the pensioners who have been robbed, ask the women walking the streets. Hundreds of thousands of ruined lives. I would have given them 30years and thats only because Mexican prisons are harsh and Im in a good mood. I would have directed my letter to the judge give him a verbal lashing.
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Latest activity: 7 years, 4 month(s) ago. This question has 32 answers.