
What privileges do you receive because of your gender?

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@Flame: lol yeah they are.....




  1. Lactation burns 700 calories a day. It's like running five miles a day while sitting on your butt.

  2. wow! This is a really good question.  Apart from the biological stuff, I don't think I get much, Although I think people (like my parents) are more willing to help me out if I get into trouble, especially financially.

    As a bartender, I got tipped more than the males did- I think it's a boob thing.

    Add: Big Sky 23- yeah, you have it right!  But a mechanic tried to do that to my mum, it was hilarious!  She knows plenty about cars and pulled him up on it!

  3. Easier time finding a job I guess.

    But: we're expected to be good at sports and bad at school, we're expected to get a woman to marry easily and quickly, and we have to do the "dirty work".

  4. I've been told I rule the world...I just wish I got more out of it.

  5. Well because I'm a woman I'm the only one who gets to clean the bathroom, wash the sheets, fold the towels, keep the kitchen drawers, desk, and linen closet organized.  I'm also privileged enough to be the only one capable of setting doctors appointments, keeping track of immunization records, school appointments, knowing what grade the kids are in, who their teachers are, writing the checks for the track uniforms, decorating lockers, doing 4H projects, enrolling kids in school, remembering everyone's birthday's in the entire family, buying Christmas, keeping lists, holiday cooking, making sure the dogs have their shots, delivering puppies, selling puppies, buying flowers, planting flowers, weeding flowers, cleaning up after puppies, cleaning the downstairs bathroom, picking out paint colors, picking out carpet, having to come home with a happy smile on my face, knowing what is up with the kids, buying cooking utensils... But geezzz, on top of that I get the privilege of working 60 hours a week and bringing home the majority of the $$.    I don't have to mow the lawn or paint the house or clean the yard, change tires or oil, and I get to stay off ladders.  Woohoo!!

  6. Society is biology!

    Do you think " magic man " came up with society? Do you think it just spontaneously appeared one day? Or, do you think, like many delusional social scientist, that society has superseded biology?

    That last questions answer, if affirmative, would be directly analogous to vacuum superseding the atmosphere we breathe!!!

    Are you sure you are not a member of NOW?

  7. Nothing. That I can think of anyway.

  8. I havent recieved any but im a lot nicer to women than men. and I would be more willing to help a woman out with a problem or something,

  9. Men open the door for me and let me go first.

  10. i can flirt my way out of any speeding ticket. have had this work multiple times.

    oh, and the male-helpfulness. it's crazy. i had a guy pull out a wal-mart cart and when he saw me standing there waiting to pull one out he just gave it to me. and this may just be because i'm so small, but if i'm in a public place and i'm lifting freaking ANYTHING i have at least two or three guys asking me if they can help. it would be annoying if they weren't so darn polite about it.

  11. I get to stay home and raise my children and make a home for my family.  My husband and sons do not want me to lift or move anything even remotely heavy.  I get to wear pink and dresses and paint my toenails.

    My favorite quote from the great-grandmother of one of my friends:  "Why would I want to be liberated?  I would have to step off of my pedestal."

  12. Supposedly I run the world, but I have yet to have anybody listen to my orders.

    I'll let you know when I see any advantages.  I know there's got to be something but I haven't benefited from anything obvious yet.

    Actually, Big Sky 23, it's illegal for men to be in public in some places without a shirt on just like it is for women.  The town next to mine used to be one of those places.  I think the law got repealed a few years ago but I'm not sure.

  13. people are rarely suspicious of me, easier for women to get away with crimes.

    free drinks at ladies night and no cover charge in many clubs.

    i think on it some more...

    you should ask about the drawbacks, too.

  14. Mechanics give me the truth because they assume I know enough about cars to call bullshit when I hear it.

    Nobody asks me if I got into college, got my degree, or was hired because of my gender (also applies to my race).

    I can jog around town with no shirt on, and not be accused of corrupting the morals of our youth.

  15. Projectile orgasms are a big plus.


    Well, back when I was working as a Certified Nursing Assistant, it was extremely easy for me to get a job because many places lacked male CNAs.  

    Other than that though, me being a white male between the ages of 18 and 30 has actually hampered me more than helped me in society in terms of getting good employment due to the current trend of affirmitive action in the workplace.  To be fair though, I got one sweet-a$$ job now.

  16. i got to give birth, which i actually loved even though it hurt like h**l. i also got to breastfeed-really cool to see your body feeding someone else.

    and i guess i'll admit that i occasionally get tipped more at work because i am a girl and i have b***s. the other night, a guy told gave me ten more dollars after his friend gave me five because (his words) "i'm too hot to only get 5". to my credit, i was offended because i felt i deserved a good tip because i did my job well, but hey, i got a toddler to feed so i'll take the extra ten.

    edit: and sigh, yes, i have too batted my huge bug eyes a bit to get out of a speeding ticket. but hey! i only did it two times....ok, i did it three times!

    man, i feel much better now. good question!

  17. Multiple orgasms.

    Oh sorry, my minds a little , uh, you know.

    OK. People stop to help me if my car is broken down. I get help with carrying groceries from the gentlemen in my neighborhood. I feel more protected. ....... I don't know. It is just my life, I dont like to question it. My first answer is still one of the best perks.

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